domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

Preschool News November 1-5

Dear Parents:

Thank you for coming to celebrate Book Character Day with us. The children had fun wearing their costumes.

This week we will introduce the letters of the alphabet using a method called ¨Zoo- phonics¨ We will send a note home to explain in further detail about this.

In Math we will introduce the numbers 4 and 5.

In science we will begin studying the human body and the five senses. Vocabulary words for this unit are at the bottom of this note.

As we prepare to start these new units, we would like to ask for your help in finding some more materials for our classroom. If you have any gently used clothing that could be used for the drama corner, please send it in! . Also, we could use measuring cups and other utensils for our sensory table.

Vocabulary for Human Body

• Foot

• Arm

• Leg

• Eyes

• Nose

• Mouth

• Knee

• Elbow

• Head

• Neck

• Hands

• Fingers

• Touch

• Smell

• Taste

• Hear

• See

• Senses

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Preschool News October 26-28

The students had a wonderful time celebrating U.N. Day. Thank you for participating in this activity.

On Thursday, October 28th we will be having our Book Character Day. Please be sure to send your child with a costume for that day. We will all be changing into our costumes at 9:15 am for the party. We plan to have a special snack of cookies and juice that day as well. We will also do a small parade around the school so everyone can enjoy our costumes. We would love to have a few parent volunteers for that day so please let us know if you can help out- thanks!

Please send us a bag of soft, chewy candies or chocolates, no later than Wednesday, Oct. 27th

Since this is a short week we will be reviewing the numbers 1 to 4 and the weather vocabulary

Upcoming Dates:

October 28th- Book Character Day.

October 29th- Parent-teacher Conferences. NO SCHOOL

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Preschool News October 18-22

 This Friday we will be celebrating U.N. Day This event will take place from 9:00 am to 11:30am. You are welcome to join us. This is a wonderful celebration.

During this week we will be learning about:

Graphing ( Which is your favorite kind of weather? )

The United Nations Day.

Identify groups of 3 and 4, and recognize the numerals 3 and 4

We will read the story of  The Three Little Goats Gruff.


Oct 22 U.N. Day celebration / Early dismissal

Oct 25 No school
Oct 28 Book Character Day
Oct 29 Parent -Teacher Conferences.

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Preschool October 12-15

Dear Parents.
We have completed the first quarter. In math, most of the children have acquired the necessary skills to advance into numbers.
This week we will introduce:
The numbers 1 and 2.
Position word Between
The Weather.
Please practice this vocabulary: rainy, sunny, cloudy, partly cloudy, windy, warm, hot, cold.

Our Character Day celebration is going to take place on Thursday, October 28th. Start looking for a nice costume for your child, preferebaly a book character. We will contact you to help us organize this celebration.

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Preschool News October 4-8

 During this week we will be learning about:
Graphing ( Are there more boys or girls in our class?)
Nocturnal animals: bat, owl,and,cat.
Position words beside and behind.
We will read the story of Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
and Goodnight Owl by Pat Hutchins
 Please send to school one empty toilet paper roll. We need it for the art center.
 The Nursery/Pre-k day runs from 8:00 to 11:45 am.We understand that the traffic has been terrible these past couple of weeks ,but please try your best to be on time for the arrival and dismissal. Thank you for being on time.


Oct 11 No school, holiday Columbus Day
Oct 14 general assembly Meeting
Oct 22 U.N. Day celebration (half day)
Oct 25 No school,holiday Honduran armed Forces Day.
Oct29 Parent Teacher conferences. Report cards.