Welcome Letter

Welcome to a great year of learning and discovery!  I am excited for a new school year to begin and to join with you in educating your precious child. I have a real passion for education and especially for the youngest children.
                My name is  Gigi Mejia and I am from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. This will be my sixteenth year working at Discovery School
  I graduated from Universidad Pedagogica Nacional in Preschool Education. I also became a Montessori teacher in the Northeast Montessori Institute in Massachusetts. I have a masters degree in family counseling. To continue gaining knowledge about pedagogical technique, I have participated in teacher workshop events, such as the ones offered by Discovery School. Most recently, I received a one year training in Special Education hosted by the Tri-Association and the university of Kennesaw
                I am looking forward to developing an excellent working relationship with you.  Each week I will be updating the blog, which will have information about the material being covered in class, student activities and upcoming events. From this home page, you will find a link with information about the school calendar, the schedule and the curriculum.Please check the blog weekly.              
Class time is valuable, and therefore, a student should attempt to be at school as much as possible.  For preplanned absences, parents need to notify the teacher in writing previous to the absence (at least 3 days) 
If you need to contact me individually, the best way is through email.  My email address is gmejia@discoveryschool.edu.hn.   The office will also take messages for me.  If you would like to meet with me, I would be happy to schedule an appointment with you. My mobile is 99 70 65 60
  I am available most days before school, during snack, and during lunch.
Thank you for entrusting me in joining you in the education of your student!
                                               Mrs. Gigi

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