lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

Preschool News January31-February4

The students have been enjoying studying pets. They even got to see and play with a hamster!  Next week we will be learning about sea animals.

 Our 100th Day of school celebration was a fun event. We played some games and did several projects related to the number 100.
 In language, we are concentrating on recognizing the beginning sound in different words.  For example, when discussing “Bubba Bear” (B) we talk about common words and names that begin with this sound.  This activity is something that you can do at home with your child that will help him/her to have better phonemic awareness. In math, the students will learn to identify AB patterns. 

Important Dates
February 17th Science Fair

domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

Preschool News Jan. 24-28

This week we have had a great time studying families.  The students did different projects around this theme to learn important facts and vocabulary.  In Language Arts the students have concluded learning the Zoo Phonics but we will continue to use them in pre-reading and pre-writing skills throughout the rest of the year. During this week they will learn to identify the beginning sound in words. We will play the game ¨I Spy¨
In Math the children are practicing writing the numbers 1 to 4.  This week we will continue with the remaining numbers.

Parent’s Corner.              
Pre kinder is a time when children typically show real growth in early literacy development. . It is important to remember that children take different paths while learning to read. They develop early reading skills at different rates and through different kinds of experiences.
For some children, learning to read may seem effortless. Other children may have difficulties with the same kinds of learning that appears to come naturally for other children their age. It is the responsibility of parents, early childhood professionals and health care providers to observe children carefully and to share information with each other. Sharing information about children's skills and about possible concerns will avoid later frustration if a child shows signs of struggle.
Your involvement will make a great difference! We are here to help!

Important Dates:
January 28th 100 Days Of School.
February 17th Science Fair

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

Preschool News Jan 18-21


The students have been working hard to learn their zoo- phonics letters and sounds. This week ,they will have to match the zoo-phonic character to the corresponding letter of the alphabet.

In language, the children will sequence daily events in logical order. We will also read the book ¨Chicka Chicka Boom Boom¨ By Bill Martin

We will discuss our upcoming 100th Day party, on January 28th, to celebrate 100 days of school. On that day we are planning on having a special 100th day snack, and we will play games. More details about this day will be included in next week’s newsletter.

domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

Preschool News January 10- 14

The students have made the transition back to school from winter break with ease! 
This week we will begin a unit on families.  We would like each family to send in one or two family pictures for us to post on the “family tree” we will be creating.  
In math, we will continue to work with numbers one to ten. The students will learn to count increasingly larger sets of objects. They will become more experienced in using the English number names in order as objects are counted.
In Language, we will learn the nursery rhyme ¨Jack be Nimble, Jack be Quick.¨ Please ask your child to recite this rhyme to you.

Important Reminders:
Report Cards were sent home last Friday January 7th. You may keep the report cards but need to sign and return the envelope as soon as possible.
Parent Teacher conferences will take place on Friday January 14th, these conferences are on a need basis. If you feel that you need a conference, please do not hesitate to call the school to make an appointment.
Next Friday, all students will be dismissed at 11:45 am.  Buses will run as usual at this time and parents should pick-up their children at this time as well.
Our Elementary Science Fair has been rescheduled for Thursday February 17th
 There will be no school on Monday Jan. 17. This is Martin Luther King Jr holiday.

martes, 4 de enero de 2011

Preschool News January 5-7

Welcome back! We hope that you have had a wonderful and relaxing break and are ready for an exciting second semester. We have many exciting activities planned for the students and know that this semester will be one of growth and learning. This week we will review the concepts learned last semester including: Zoo Phonics, counting objects up to 10, classroom rules and behavior expectation. Next week we will be talking about families.

Please note that conferences will take place next week  on January 14th. These are not mandatory conferences but we will be contacting the families of students who would benefit from a conference. Please let us know if you are interesting in conferencing at this time and we can schedule something.