domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

Nursery News January 27-31

Dear Parents.
During this week the students will be learning about:
Theme: Community Helpers and the words: Firefighter, police officer, builder, baker, and bus driver.
Shape: Star and the words: starfish, magic wand, shooting star and star fruit.  Please practice these words every day.
We will have a show and tell on Thursday. The students need to bring a toy tool used by a community helper. They need to say the name of the tool and explain what do you do with it.
Nursery rhyme: Pat-a-cake-Pat-a-cake.
We encourage you to visit the enrichment sites for the lessons we are currently studying by clicking on the words below.
Please Read this important information:

MAP TESTING – This is week two of our second MAP testing session for this school year.
CHOIR PARENTS – On Monday, February 3, at 3:15 p.m., there will be a mandatory meeting in the school Library for parents of all Choir students who are planning to travel to New York City in June 2014 to perform at the prestigious Carnegie Hall. Information will be given concerning the trip and payments needed, and Important decisions about the trip will be taken. We need at least one parent for each Choir student to attend this meeting.
SCHOLASTIC BOOKS! - This month your child(ren) will have the opportunity to purchase books through the International Scholastic Book Clubs.  This is an optional activity offered by the school, in case you want to motivate your child to read at home and to increase their own library.  With your purchase, our library will accumulate points to redeem for more books for the benefit of your children in our school. Order forms and catalogues were sent home on Friday. The final date to purchase the books online is February 10. The books will arrive at the school in one single delivery, and we will distribute them to the students according to their orders, approximately three weeks after the purchase due date. Please email Ms. Marilis ( ) if you have any questions.
FROM THE DPTO – PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS – The DPTO has been working very hard to organize the traditional Movie Event for Discovery School families. This year, it will take place at NOVACENTRO on Sunday, February 9 at 11:00 a.m. for the presentation of THE LEGO MOVIE

lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Nursery News January 21-24

Dear Parents.
During this week we will cover the following:
Theme: Community Helpers and the words: Doctor, nurse, dentist, teacher, and, veterinarian.
Shape: Oval and the words: Watermelon, egg, kiwi fruit, jelly beans, and, football.
Nursery Rhyme: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
We will have  Show and Tell on Thursday. Please have your child bring something shaped like an oval. 
Also, we need a small bag of jelly beans to do a graphing activity on Thursday, ( about 20 jelly beans)
Brush Your Teeth
A visit to the dentist
Oval Shape

Important Information.
MAP TESTING – Our second MAP testing session will take place from Tuesday, January 21 to Friday, February 10.  
FROM THE DPTO – PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS – The DPTO has been working very hard to organize the traditional Movie Event for Discovery School families. This year, it will take place at NOVACENTRO on Sunday, February 9 at 11:00 a.m. for the presentation of THE LEGO MOVIE

domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

Nursery News January 13-17

Dear parents.
During this week the nursery students will learn about:
Theme: Transportation and the words: train, jet, bicycle, stop, and go.
Shape: Diamond and the words: Kite, diamond ring,  and top.
We will have show and tell on Wednesday, please have your child bring an object shaped like a diamond.
Please visit the following links with your child:
Magic Train Ride
The Journey Home from Grandpa's

Please Read this Important Information.

SECOND QUARTER REPORT CARDS AND CONFERENCES – Report Cards for the second quarter will be issued on Friday, January 17. Conferences for this quarter are on a need basis, and notices will be sent home on Monday, January 13. If a parent does not receive a notice from a teacher but would like to meet for a conference, please contact the teacher to set up a time for the afternoon of Friday, January 17. Students will be dismissed at 11:45 a.m, and conferences will be held from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.

HOLIDAY – There will be no school on Monday, January 20 in recognition of the contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Nursery News January 7-10

Dear parents.
Happy New Year!!! We hope you had a joyful and peaceful celebration. We are eager to begin this new year.
During this week we will learnt:
Theme. Transportation and the words: Car, bus, helicopter, airplane, and bus.
Shape. Rectangle and the words: Door, brick, table, flag.and. truck.
On Thursday, for Show and Tell, your child needs to bring a toy vehicle. Please practice the name of the item and one or two sentences that describe it.For example, This is a car, My car has four wheels, my car is fast.
Please visit the review sites for the lessons we are currently studying by clicking on the the following links.
We all go traveling by 
Transportation Sounds