domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014

Nursery News March 31-April 4

Dear Families
During this week the children will continue to learn about:
Wild Animals and the words: Lion, giraffe, snake, hippopotamus , and leopard.
In Math they will learn to identify, write, and make sets with number 4 (four)
On Thursday, for Show and tell, please have your child bring a stuffed or plastic wild animal.
Please, visit the review sites for this week´s lesson.
Wild Animals Video
Five Little Monkeys
Number Four Activities
Important Information: 
 EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON –Our Early Childhood and Elementary READ – A – THON concludes today.  Reading logs must be submitted by Tuesday, April 1. We will announce the winners soon!


lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Nursery News March 24-28

Dear Families
During this week the children will learn about:
Wild Animals and the words: Monkey, alligator, elephant, tiger, and jungle.
In Math they will learn to identify, write, and make sets with number 3 (three)
On Thursday, for Show and tell, please have your child look around the house  for 3 small items ( e.g. Plastic animals, blocks), place them inside a bag labeled with the number 3  and send them to school.
Please, visit the review sites for this week´s lesson.
Animal Jungle Movie
Create an Animal Jungle
Five Little Monkeys
Important Information:
EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON – This is week four of the Early Childhood and Elementary READ – A – THON for grades K-5. Please remind your child(ren) to read as much as they can, and to record their books in the Reading Log that was provided. Please help us by encouraging your child to read at home every day.

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Nursery News March 17-21

Dear Parents:
This week we will cover the following:
Theme: Sea Animals and the words: Seahorse, jellyfish, crab, whale, dolphin.
In Math  the students will identify, make sets, and learn how to write the number two (2).
This is a short week for this reason we will not have show and tell. 
We encourage you to visit the review sites for this week´s lesson.
Baby Einstein sea animals 
Animal ocean game 
Important Information: 

EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON – This is week three of the Early Childhood and Elementary READ – A – THON for grades K-5. Please remind your child (ren) to keep reading, and to record their books in the Reading Log that was provided. Please help us by encouraging your child to read at home every day!
CAYOS COCHINOS COMMUNITY SERVICE: As part of TES, Trabajo Educativo Social, the 11th graders will be going to Cayos Cochinos the 5th – 9th of April to assist the community of Cayo Mayor. The Alfonso Lacayo Public School is in need of school materials, so the Junior class has decided to conduct a voluntary school supply drive. They would appreciate any and all donations, but wish to ask the following classes that each student contribute the following:
1st & 2nd grade – 2 sharpeners
3rd & 4th grade – 1 pack of 12 colored pencils
5th grade – 2 scissors
6th – 8th grade – 2 normal sized composition notebooks
9th grade – black, red, and blue pens (one of each)
10th grade – 1 pack of 12 pencils and 2 erasers
12th grade – 4 UHU sticks
BAKE SALE – On Wednesday, March 19, the Juniors will be having a bake sale during snack and lunch. The Juniors will also have a box where all students are welcome to place their donations for Cayos Cochinos
CHOIR MEETING – There will be a Choir meeting on Monday, March 31 at 3:15 p.m. In the school library. Important information will be discussed in this meeting about the upcoming New York trip and performance At least one parent of each Choir member must attend.
CONCERT - The Discovery School Music Department is inviting you to a Piano and Singing Recital . Tickets are available with Ms. Norma and Ms. Pamela.

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Nursery News March 10th-14th

Dear Parents.
 During this week we will evaluate your child's progress in school.
Please remember to review with your child the concepts and vocabulary learned. 
We encourage you to refer to last week's post when reviewing with your child at home, also, take advantage of using the links that have been provided in the course of this quarter. 
Important Information:

EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON – This is week two of the Early Childhood and Elementary READ – A – THON for grades K-5. Please remind your child(ren) to read as much as they can, and to record their books in the Reading Log that was provided. Please help us by encouraging your child to read at home every day!
            For everyone:
LAST CHANCE TO ORDER YEARBOOK PICTURES - If you are interested and have not yet sent the order form for the yearbook pictures, please remember that Tuesday, March 11 is the last day to place them. Make sure to send your form back with the exact amount of money or a check.
CHOIR MEETING – There will be a Choir meeting on Monday, March 31 at 3:15 p.m. in the school library. Important information will be discussed in this meeting about the upcoming trip to New York City. At least one parent for each child who is going on the trip must attend!
THIRD GRADE MAYAN DRAMA - Come travel back in time with us! The third graders will be performing a drama to demonstrate what they have learned about the various contrasting aspects of Mayan culture to modern day. Please join us on Friday, March 14th. The schedule is listed below. Parents and other teachers are also welcome to stop by and watch.
9:00 Kinder-1st                      9:30 Grade 2                         10:00 Grades 4 and 5
CHRONICLES OF DISCOVERY SCHOOL - Each year at Discovery School we host the event "Chronicles of Discovery," destined to promote literature and art developed by our students and to reward those whose works excel in these areas. The event is organized by the students of the AP Literature and Composition class. Throughout the award ceremony, students conduct art exhibition, musical performance, and recitation, among other activities. There will also be live music and refreshments for everyone to enjoy.
We would like to invite you to Chronicles of Discovery and help us fund it. The event is sponsored by companies and donations from parents. Any sum of money is welcomed, and may be delivered to Mr. Fenn (high school building, room no. 3). Thank you for helping us promote the artistic school spirit. We hope to see you at the event, April 25.

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Nursery News March 3-7

Dear Parents:
This week we will cover the following:
Theme: Sea Animals and the words: sun, sand, jellyfish, fish, octopus, and, seahorse.
In Math  the students will identify the number one (1).
This week we will celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss, please read the note that was sent home to know about the activities for each day of the week.
We encourage you to visit the review sites for this week´s lesson
Five little fishes
Sea animals 
Sea animals movie 
Dr. Seuss week
Monday, March 3rd =   Pajama Day, your child needs to wear a comfortable pajama.
Tuesday, March 4th =   Mixed Up Day, wear mixed socks, shoes or clothes.
Wednesday, March 5th =   Crazy Hair Day
Thursday, March 6th =   Hat and Tie Day
Friday, March 7th =   Red, Blue, White Day (thing one & thing two)

EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON – The Early Childhood and Elementary will be carrying out a READ – A – THON for grades K-5 during the month of March. Each student will receive a Read-a-thon Recording Sheet and a bookmark, and will be asked to keep a record of the books they read during the month of March (whether the book is read as a school assignment or for pleasure). The winner of each homeroom class will be awarded a special medal and certificate, and will be treated to a very special lunch in a restaurant. Please help us by encouraging your child to read at home every day!

YEARBOOK PICTURES UPDATE - Order forms for the yearbook pictures were sent home last week. Please make sure to send your form back with the exact amount of money or a check. We will be receiving orders until March 11th.

 CHRONICLES OF DISCOVERY SCHOOL - Each year at Discovery School we host the event "Chronicles of Discovery," destined to promote literature and art developed by our students and reward those whose works excel in these areas. The event is organized by the students of the AP Literature and Composition class. Throughout the award ceremony, students conduct art exhibition, musical performance, and recitation, among other activities. There will also be live music and refreshments for everyone to enjoy.
We would like to invite you to Chronicles of Discovery and help us fund it. The event is sponsored by companies and donations from parents. Any sum of money is welcomed, and may be delivered to Mr. Fenn (high school building, room no. 3). Thank you for helping us promote the artistic school spirit. We hope to see you at the event, April 25.