viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Nursery News December 15-17

Dear Parents,This week we will be discussing *Christmas*. We will be making Christmas Crafts and reading stories related to this holiday. Some of the stories that we will be looking at are the following: It Was the Night Before Christmas, and, Get Well Santa.
 In Math we will continue to learn about circles, and the students will look for circles around the school.
They will also learn about toys, and they will write a letter to Santa asking for their favorite toy.
Please refer to our previous blog post to practice the vocabulary for circle and toys.
We wish you and your family a wonderful holiday and a happy new year. Hope to see you back on Wednesday January 7, 2015 
Please visit the links provided below to study the concepts that we are currently learning.
It Was the Night Before Christmas
The Shapes Song
XMAS BASKETS - Please help us thank our maintenance and support personnel by contributing to their Xmas baskets. There is still time to send canned gods, instant soups, cookies and crackers, or anything else that does not require refrigeration.  Please send these items no later than Monday, December 15th. Your cooperation will be deeply appreciated. 

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Nursery News December 8-12

Dear parents this week the students will lean to identify and name the Circle shape and the words: Plate, wheel, cookie, pizza, and, bubble.
They will also learn about toys and they will learn the following vocabulary: ball, blocks, racing car, scooter, robot, and, doll.
We will read the story "Corduroy" by Don Freeman. 
For Show and tell on Thursday, please have your child bring his/her favorite toy to school. 

Please visit the links provided below to study the concepts that we are currently learning.
Shapes Game
SONGFEST – Please mark your calendars for this Friday, December 12. Our students’ performances will begin at 5:30 p.m.

XMAS BASKETS - Christmas is the season to open our hearts and share with those around us that need it most. It has been a tradition at Discovery School for students to come together and contribute in assembling baskets of goods for our support personnel.  We are asking for your cooperation in sending the following:

Nursery/PKinder and 6th grade students       1 5-lb bag of beans
Kinder and 7th grade students                                   1 5 lb bag of rice
1st grade and 8th grade students                    1 5-lb bag of sugar
2nd grade and 9th grade students                    1 bottle or 2 bags of oil, 2 boxes of margarine, OR
3 lbs of lard
3rd grade and 10th grade students                  1 4lb-bag of MASECA
4th grade and 11th grade students                  3 lbs of spaghetti (six packages) OR 1 bag of coffee
5th grade and 12th grade students                  4 packages of tomato paste

Please feel free to send any additional goodies that you want to share with our devoted staff, such as canned goods, instant soups, cookies and crackers, or anything else that does not require refrigeration.  Please send these items no later than Monday, December 15th. Your cooperation will be deeply appreciated.

SWEATERS AND JACKETS – Children often tend to misplace their jackets and sweaters during this cold season. We ask parents, teachers and students to take any clothing item they find to Ms. Carolina (Lost and Found box located in the main office).