viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

Nursery News May 25-29

Dear Parents: 

As the school year comes to an end we would like to thank you for all your hard work, support and cooperation.
It has been a pleasure to work with such a special group of students. We wish you the best next school year,  and we hope you have a great summer.

This week the children will learn about:
 Children Around the World. The nursery students will learn about China and the words: world, children, flag, map, dragon, and lantern. 
We will teach the students about the Chinese culture and some interesting facts about this beautiful country.  Please let us know if you would like to participate and plan an activity for the nursery students. Also, if you have any souvenir that will help us learn more about China please let us borrow it from you, we would really appreciate it.
In Math, the students will review the numbers 0 to 5
For Show and tell on Wednesday, please print one or two images about China and have your child explain what is the picture about.
Chinese New Year Story
Miaomiao´s Chinese New Year
Lion Dance.
Count One to Five

Field Trip To celebrate the end of the school year a group of parents organized a visit to Chiminike. The cost per student is Lps. 150. Please send this money on Monday May 25. 
You are welcome to join us. This field trip will take place on Thursday May 28, we are planning to leave the school at 8:30 am and come back at 11: 15 am.

School News
MERLIN SCHOOL PICTURES – The pictures orders and other products have arrived, and to prevent any damage to the pictures and/or products, they are available for pick up in Ms. Karla Soto’s office (in the reception area).

SCHOOL YEARBOOK 2014-2015:  Our yearbooks (printed in the US) have finally arrived, and will be sold this week.  You can pre-order your copy with Ms. Karla Soto stopping by her office or emailing her at  Save your copy before we run out of yearbooks.  Don’t miss out on having your school memories!
Description: corona-fresca-de-la-piña-21352596.jpg
PINEAPPLE AND PAPAYA INITIATIVE – The planting of papayas and pineapples has begun! Thanks to all the students who brought the pineapple crowns, but we still need more!!! Please bring them to Ms. Cristiana’s room, and be a part of this wonderful project!

For Nursery to 4th Grade :
SUMMER CAMPDiscovery Zone 6 is back! Get an early registration! The Summer Camp will run from June 8-26, from 8:00 to 11: 50 a.m.  Please ask Ms. Valencia Duron for more information

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Nursery News May 18-22

Dear Families

During this week your children will continue to learn Nursery Rhymes, and the words; Market , roast beef, wool, clock, row,and, bag.Please encourage your children to repeat the nursery rhymes with you. 
In Math they will compare numbers 1 to 5, they will use the words more, less, more than, fewer than, and same amount. 
Please have your child practice writing the numbers 0 to 5. 
Please visit the following sites with your child:
This Little Piggy
Baa Baa, Black Sheep.
Mary Mary Quite Contrary
Hickory Dickory Dock.

If you would like to participate to organize the end of the school year party for Nursery and PreKinder please contact Mrs. Elmy Valladares( Valentina's mom) She is willing to work with the parents to organize a nice party for our lovely students.

EARLY DISMISSAL WEDNESDAY – Please remember that our students will be dismissed at 11:45 this Wednesday, May 20. Our teachers will be working on the AdvancedEd Accreditation process that afternoon. We will be following P.M. Schedule that day.

MINUTA SALE - Discovery's Helping Hands, the community service club led by Mrs. Agurcia, will be selling minutas (snow cones) Friday, May 22, during lunch and after school to raise funds for Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, a children's home. Each minuta will cost L. 15 and there will be a variety of flavors to choose from. Please help us support this wonderful organization!

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Nursery News May 11-15

Dear Parents:
Happy Mothers Day!
During this week your children will learn about Nursery Rhymes, and the words; Wall, king, umbrella, raindrop, and, candlestick.
In Math they will compare numbers 1 to 5, they will use the words more, less, more than, fewer than, and same amount. They will also practice writing the numbers 4 and 5.
Please visit the following sites with your child:
Rain, Rain, Go Away! 
Humpty Dumpty 
Jack be Nimble 
Little Miss Muffet 

School News

SPRING GENERAL ASSEMBLY – We want to remind our parents that our Spring General Assembly will take place this Saturday, May 16 at 9:00 a.m. We need to reach a quorum for this General Assembly and be able to vote on budget, calendar and school improvements.The DPTO is offering a Pizza Party to the Grade that has the most parents attending the General Assembly!
 PINEAPPLE INITIATIVE – If you purchase a pineapple for your home consumption, please send the crown on the pineapple in a bag to school as soon as possible. There is an innovative initiative to plant (and sell) Discovery harvested pineapples! We will begin on Monday, May 11, so send those crowns soon!!!
SUMMER CAMP – Discovery Zone 6 is back! Get an early registration! The Summer Camp will run from June 8-26, from 8:00 to 11: 50 a.m.  Please ask Ms. Valencia Duron for more information

jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Nursery News May 4-8

Dear Families
We hope that you had a happy, and, relaxing holiday! 
During this week your children will learn about Dinosaurs and the words; Tyrannosaurus, stegosaurus, triceratops, diplodocus, and extinct. 
They will read the book Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, by Byron Barton.
In Math they will Learn ordering numbers 1 to 5.( Learning there’s a sequence to the numbers and what comes next). 
For Show and tell on Thursday please have your child bring a toy dinosaur. They need to say the name of their dinosaur and one or two interesting facts.
Please visit the following sites with your child:
40 Awesome Activities to Practice Numbers with your Child.
Dinosaur Names
Dinosaur Colors

DISCOVERY IDOL AUDITIONS– Our annual talent show is around the corner! Students can audition their songs, dances or other talents this Thursday, May 7, and Friday 8. The talent show will take place on Wednesday, May 20 at 10:15 p.m. 

The Cowboy Carnival this Friday, May 8. Please join our school community for a fun-filled, Cowboy themed evening. There will be attractive cowboy games and delicious food for sale, and the opportunity to watch an amazing movie will having a picnic dinner under the stars!  The DPTO is offering a Pizza Party to the Grade that has the most parents attending the General Assembly!
The school’s Spring General Assembly will take place next Saturday, may 16 at 9:00 a.m. It is VERY IMPORTANT for our parents to attend to vote on the 1025-2016 school calendar and budget.

PINEAPPLE INITIATIVE – If you purchase a pineapple for your home consumption, please send the crown on the pineapple in a bag to school as soon as possible. There is an innovative initiative to plant (and sell) Discovery harvested pineapples! 

viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

Nursery News April 20-24

Dear Families

During this week your children will learn about Insects, and the words; bee, butterfly, ant, ladybug, fly, and, caterpillar.
In Math they will learn to identify, write, and make sets with number 4 (four)
They will read the book From Caterpillar to Butterfly. 
For Show and tell on Thursday please have your child bring a real insect (in a jar) or a toy insect.
Please visit the following sites with your child:
Icky Insects 
The Ants Go Marching 

Important Information:

SUMMER CAMPDiscovery Zone 6 is back! Get an early registration! The Summer Camp will run from June 8-26, from 8:00 to 11: 50 a.m.  Please ask Ms. Valencia Duron for more information

DISCOVERY'S HELPING HANDS - The community service club led by Mrs. Agurcia, will be selling minutas (snow cones) Friday during lunch and after school to raise funds for Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, a children's home. Each minuta will cost L. 15 and there will be a variety of flavors to choose from. Please help us support this wonderful organization! 

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

Nursery News April 13-17

Dear Families
During this week the children will learn about:
Wild Animals and the words:Lion, giraffe, snake, hippo, and, flamingo. 
In Math they will learn to identify, write, and make sets with number 3 (three)
On Thursday, for Show and tell, please have your child look around the house  for 3 small items ( e.g. Plastic animals, blocks), place them inside a bag labeled with the number 3  and send them to school.
Please, visit the review sites for this week´s lesson.

Animal Jungle Movie
Walking in the Jungle
Learning To count with Teddy

Please Read this Important Information
GO GREEN MONTHLast Friday, we kicked off our GO GREEN month’s activities with an assembly.  Students are reminded to take green actions in their classrooms and at home.  Students will be keeping a “GO GREEN” chart in their classroom to record these actions.   Recycling is one of these actions, so students are encourage to bring from home their cleaned and sorted paper, glass, aluminum, and plastic containers for recycling.   Also, remember to wear green each Friday this month.

GO GREEN CLASSROOM COMPETION FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY - We encourage you to keep these celebrations active in your classrooms, as we celebrate Earth Day this month.  The environmental science students should have bought a poster chart to your classroom.  On this chart, your students can keep track of their "green" actions.  They may add a dot/stick/X to each box when they:
- Recycle aluminum, paper, or plastic in the appropriate bin
- Save energy by turning off the computers, lights, and fan when leaving the classroom
- Conserve resources by using both sides of the paper
- Prevent waste production by using a reusable lunch box or thermos
Please speak with your students about these "green" actions and encourage them as they chart their progress.
Environmental science students will award classes who fill up their charts.  If you have any questions, please let Ms. Christina Agurcia know.

SPANISH WEEK CELEBRATIONS –To commemorate the Day of the Spanish Language (April 23) the Spanihs and Spanish Social Studies teachers will carry out several activities with our students. Some of them are as follows:
*Inaguration Assembly– Monday, April 20 at 8:00 a.m. in the gym (Early Childhood and Elementary students in charge)
*Closing Assembly - Thursday, April 23 at 2:07 p.m. in the gym (Secondary students in charge)
*Classroom Activities related to the language, literature and music: April 20-22
*Rapid Search and Spelling competitions in the Elementary

lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

Nursery News April 7-10

Dear Families
During this week the children will learn about:
Wild Animals and the words: Monkey, alligator, elephant, tiger, and jungle.
In Math they will learn to identify, write, and make sets with number 2 (two)
We will read the book Giraffes Can´t Dance by Guy Parker-Rees.
For show and tell please have your child bring a book or wild toy animal. 

Please, visit the review sites for this week´s lesson.
Animal Jungle Movie
Create an Animal Jungle
Five Little Monkeys


GO GREEN MONTH -  April is the month in which we will celebrate Earth Day, and Discovery School students will participate in a variety of activities that will educate them about all the things the Earth does for us and how we can help preserve it.  We will kick off the month’s celebrations with an assembly on Friday, April 10th from 10:25 AM-10:45 AM.   We encourage all students and teachers to wear greeneach Friday in the month of April!

BRICKS4KIDZ - The second module for Bricks4kidz will begin this Friday, April 10. The sessions will be held on Fridays (in April 10,17 and 24; in May 8,15 and 22) from 3:15 to 4:15 and will be open for students in from kindergarten to grade five. There are spaces still available! You can register on Friday!  

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015

Nursery News March 23-25

Dear families.
This will be a very short week. The students will have a review of all the math concepts and the topics we have covered during these past weeks.
Please  remember to sign and send to school the permission slips for the field-trip  by Monday March 23.
Please, visit the review sites for this week´s lesson:
Here Comes the Easter Bunny
Five Little Bunnies
Surprise Eggs


UPDATE ON PAVING - Because of the need to pave the entrance and exit to school and leave the paving unused for sufficient time to harden, the last day of classes before Semana Santa will be March 25.  THERE WILL BE NO CLASSES ON THURSDAY, MARCH 26 AND FRIDAY, MARCH 27.  Faculty and staff may not enter the school without permission during that time period, including Semana Santa.  Any entry will require special arrangements and permission from the Head of School

We will still meet the standard of 180 days of classes set by SACS and by the Honduran Ministry of Education.  Enjoy an extra-long vacation! We will resume classes on April 7, as planned.

EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON –This is the last week of our Read-a-thon! Grades Kindergarten through five are participating in this month long competition. Students should be completing the reading logs and turning them in this Wednesday  The winner from each class will go out to lunch as a special treat from our DPTO!

BRICKS4KIDZ - After conducting exit surveys that reveal what a success this activity was, and given its educational value, the school will be offering a Second Module of Bricks4kidz. The session will be held on Fridays (in April 10,17 and 24; in May 8,15 and 22) from 3:15 to 4:15 and will be open for students in fromkindergarten to grade five. Registration will be available on the afternoons of Friday, March 20 and Wednesday, March 25. Hurry and save your space!

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Nursery News March 16-20

Dear Parents:
This week we will cover the following:
Theme:The students will continue to learn about the sea animals and the words: Seahorse, jellyfish, crab, whale, dolphin.
In Math  the students will identify, make sets, and learn how to write the number one (1).
We will read the book Moon Dance by Christian Riese.
They will sing the nursery rhyme Five Little Fish Swimming in the Sea.

We encourage you to visit the review sites for this week´s lesson.
Baby Einstein sea animals 
Animal ocean game 
Five Little Fish Swimming in the Sea

School News 
ACCREDITATION PROCESS – SURVEYS FOR PARENTS- Below you will find the link that will take you to the corresponding survey that you need to complete. This is the last week that the surveys will be available for parents!  Please take some time from your busy schedule to complete the survey that will provide valuable information towards the accreditation process and therefore, school improvement.

A Spanish version of the survey for parents is available in this message; however the survey needs to be completed in English. The Spanish version will help parents complete the English version as it is an exact copy of the survey.

Surveys in Spanish, please Click Here

END OF THE THIRD QUARTER REPORT CARDS AND CONFERENCES–Notices for the third quarter conferences (on a need basis) will be sent home today. Report Cards will be sent home on Thursday, March 19. However, if you would like a conference, and one has not been called for by a teacher, please contact the school to set an appointment for the afternoon of Friday, March 20.

FRIDAY, MARCH 20 – There will NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, March 20. Following our school calendar, the morning will be devoted to Professional Development for Teachers, and the afternoon will be used for Parent-Teacher conferences.

EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON –This is week three of our Read-a-thon! Grades Kindergarten through five are participating in this month long competition. Students should be completing the reading logs that were distributed last week! The winner from each class will go out to lunch as a special treat from our DPTO!

BRICKS4KIDZ - After conducting exit surveys that reveal what a success this activity was, and given its educational value, the school will be offering a Second Module of Bricks4kidz. The session will be held on Fridays (in April 10,17 and 24; in May 8,15 and 22) from 3:15 to 4:15 and will be open for students in from kindergarten to grade five. Registration will be available on the afternoons of Friday, March 20 and Friday, March 27. Hurry and save your space!

SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB NEWS - Scholastic Book Club leaflets were given out last week. This is an optional activity offered by the school, because we know you want to motivate your child to read at home.  With your purchase, our library will accumulate points to redeem more books for the benefit of your children in our school.  The due date to purchase the books online is March 20. The books will arrive to the school in one single delivery, and we will distribute them to the students according to their orders, approximately three weeks after the purchase due date.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

Nursery News March 9-12

Dear Parents:
This week we will cover the following:
Theme: Sea Animals and the words: sun, sand, fish,sea turtle octopus, and ocean.
In Math they will begin learning the numbers. This week we will work with number zero (0).
 Please visit this site to learn more about numbers in preschool.
For show and tell on Thursday the students need to bring a toy sea animal. Please have your child practice the name, and one or two facts about his/her animal.
The students will read the story of The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.
We encourage you to visit the review sites for this week´s lesson
Five little fishes
Sea animals 
Sea animals movie 
The Numeral Song

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

Nursery News March 2-6

Dear Parents.
 During this week we will evaluate your child's progress in school.
Please remember to review with your child the concepts and vocabulary learned. 
We encourage you to refer to last week's post when reviewing with your child at home, also take advantage of using the links that have been provided in the course of this quarter.Your involvement is very valuable to your child's success in school.

The content to be evaluated is the following:
Identify and name the shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, diamond, star, and heart.

Your child should be able to name the vocabulary for each shape and for the following themes:
Transportation: car, bus, stop, go, train, airplane, motorcycle, bicycle, helicopter, and boat.
Community Helpers: Teacher, doctor, nurse, veterinarian, dentist, fire fighter, police officer, bus driver, builder, and baker.
Feelings: Happy, sad, scared, angry, surprised.
Valentine's Day and Friendship: Card, love, friends, sharing, candy.
Farm Animals: Farmer, barn, cow, pig, horse, rabbit, duck, chicken, goat, and sheep.

Please Read This Important Information:

ACCREDITATION PROCESS – SURVEYS -Below you will find the link that will take you to the corresponding survey that you need to complete. Please take some time from your busy schedule to complete the survey that will provide valuable information towards the accreditation process and therefore, school improvement.

A Spanish version of the survey for parents is available in the email sent to parents with the weekly Monday Memo. However the survey needs to be completed in English. The Spanish version will help parents complete the English version as it is an exact copy of the survey.

Surveys will be available Monday, March 2 – Friday, March 20.

LOST AND FOUND – If your son or daughter has lost a sweater, Tupperware, or water bottle, please send him or her to the office to check out the Lost and Found boxes. There are many items that need to be claimed by their owners as soon as possible.

            EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON – To commemorateDr. Seuss’ birthday in March, the students from grades Kindergarten through five will all be participating in the month-long Read-a-Thon. The winner from each class will go out to lunch as a special treat from our DPTO! Please encourage your students to read, read, read, and fill out the reading logs that will be distributed next week. 

viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015

Nursery News February 23-27

Dear parents.
During this week your child will learn about:
Theme: Farm animals and the words: duck, rabbit, chicken, goat, and, sheep.

In math they will learn about patterns, the students will identify and copy an AB pattern. Please take a look at the following site if you want to know more about patterns in preschool.
For Show and Tell on Thursday you need to help your child create an AB pattern at home. Please be creative, you can use stickers, pasta, buttons, pictures, etc.
 We encourage you to visit the review sites for the lessons we are currently studying.Animal Farm Game 
The Farmer in the Dell 
Baby Einstein The Farm 
Learning AB Pattern
Important Announcements:
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY – This Wednesday is an early dismissal day for our students, who will be released at 11:45 a.m. and we will follow P.M. schedule (periods 4-7).

LOST AND FOUND – If your son or daughter has lost a sweater, Tupperware, or water bottle, please send him or her to the office to check out the Lost and Found boxes. There are many items that need to be claimed by their owners as soon as possible.

            For Early Childhood and Elementary Only:

EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON – To commemorateDr. Seuss’ birthday in March, the students from grades Kindergarten through five will all be participating in the month-long Read-a-Thon. The winner from each class will go out to lunch as a special treat from our DPTO! Please encourage your students to read, read, read, and fill out the reading logs that will be distributed next week.

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

Nursery News February 17-21

Dear parents.
Thank you for your cooperation to celebrate Valentine´s Day. The children had a great time decorating cookies and sharing their Valentine's cards.
During this week your child will learn about:

Theme; Farm Animals and the words: Farmer, barn, cow, horse, pig, and, chicken.
Shape: Star and the words: starfish, magic wand, shooting star and star fruit.  Please practice these words every day.

They will learn the song Old MacDonald had a Farm.
For Show and Tell on Thursday, your child needs to bring to school a picture or a toy farm animal.
 We encourage you to visit the review sites for the lessons we are currently studying. 
Old McDonald
Learn How to Count Farm Animals
Farm Animals Video 

 Important School Announcements

viernes, 6 de febrero de 2015

Nursery News February 9-13

Dear parents.
During this week your child will be learning about:
Theme: Friendship and the words: Card, friend, love, candy, and share.
Nursery Rhyme: Skidamarink, I Love You. 

Shape: Heart, and the words: Shamrock, valentine, conversation heart, playing card, and cupid
In the month of February, we celebrate friendship. We will be discussing ways to be a good friend.
 We encourage you to visit the review sites for the lessons we are currently studying.

 To celebrate Valentine´s Day we are asking you that next Friday February 13th each student brings a special Valentine´s treat to share with all of their classmates.
This may be in the form of a card, a picture, sweets, or anything else that you would like to share.  This is a great time to involve your child in the process and ask him/her for ideas. Please simply write your child’s name on every card or treat. This way, your child can personally deliver a treat to each friend without having to read a name.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Here is the list of the Nursery students:
Alejandro Contreras
Gabriel Perdomo
Kyra McCaul
Nathan Agurcia
Theodore Miller.
Please check your child´s folder.  I sent you a note requesting your cooperation for our Valentine´s Day snack.
School News
VALENTINE’S DAY SENIORS ACTIVITIES – Our seniors will be distributing pre-ordered candy grams, roses and love/friendship letters for this Friday, February 13. They last day to pre-order these Valentine goodies is next Wednesday, February 11. They will also have a bake sale and wedding chapel that day during recess.

CAYOS COCHINOS  - SWITCHED TO TELA– The Cayos Cochinos trip of the 12th grade has been cancelled because of an incompatibility of the dates for the trip.  So, as part of TES, Trabajo Educativo Social, the 12th graders will be going to Tela on March 2 to 7 to assist the community of Garífunas.   They are in need of school materials, so the Senior class has decided to conduct a school supply drive. They would appreciate any and all donations but wish to ask the following classes that each student contributes the following:
Nursery and Kinder – I pack of 12 colored markers
1st and 2nd – 2 pencil sharpeners
3rd and 4th – 1 pack of 12 colored pencils
5th – 2 scissors
6th to 8th – 2 normal sized composition notebooks
9th – 1 blue, black and red pen
10th – 1 pack of 12 pencils and two erasers
11th – 4 UHU glue sticks

WE WOULD ALSO GREATLY APPRECIATE ANY SPANISH BOOK DONATIONS. Please help not only the Senior class, but also the lovely people in Tela.

lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015

Nursery News February 2-6


Dear Parents.
During this week we will cover the following:
Theme: Feelings and the words: happy, sad, angry, surprised, and scared.
Nursery Rhyme: If you´re Happy and you Know it. 
Shape: Oval and the words: Watermelon, egg, kiwi fruit, jelly beans, and, football.

We will have  Show and Tell on Thursday. Please have your child bring something shaped like an oval.  
Also, we need a small bag of jelly beans to do a graphing activity on Thursday, ( about 25 jelly beans)
We encourage you to visit the enrichment sites for the lessons we are currently studying by clicking on the words below.
Oval Shape
If you´re happy and you Know it
Feelings song

viernes, 23 de enero de 2015

Nursery News January 26 -30

Dear Parents:
The children enjoyed celebrating 100 Days of school. They made a colorful poster with the 20 items they brought from home, Thank you. The students also enjoyed the visit of the fire fighters, the police officers, and the paramedics. They talked to the students about the work they do and answered many questions.

During this week the children will continue to learn about Community helpers and the words:Fire fighter, police officer, bus driver, baker, and, construction worker.
They will learn to identify a Diamond shape and the words: Kite, diamond ring, top, and diamond field.

For Show and tell on Thursday have your child bring an object that a community helper uses to do his/her job. For example, a fire truck, a stethoscope, etc. The children need to say the name of the object and explain which worker uses it.
The People in your Neighborhood.
The Fire Truck
Diamond Shape Song

School News:

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY – This Wednesday is an early dismissal day for our students (11:45 a.m.) We will follow A.M. Schedule. Our staff will meet at 1:00 p.m. in the Library, and work the rest of the afternoon in the AdvancedEd accreditation process.

SUNSHINE SCHOOL FRIENDLY SPORTS ACTIVITIES – Sunshine School will visit our school for several friendly activities on Wednesday, January 28. Our Grades K-2 will be participating in games and races, and grades 3-8 will be playing friendly soccer matches. Our students should wear comfortable P.E. clothes on this day, and bring sunscreen.

DPTO FUN RUN - The DPTO has been working hard to organize the annual Fun Run, which will be held this year this Saturday, January 30. The activity will begin with registration of our runners at 8:30 a.m., followed by the run at 9:00 a.m. and the traditional pancake breakfast at around 9:45 a,m. Pledge forms were distributed with the report cards last Friday. The DPTO would appreciate parents who are interested in helping with the preparation and distribution of the breakfast, or want to donate pastries for this day, to contact Ms. Karla Soto ( or Ms. Cristiana to see what they can help with. Proceeds from all DPTO activities will be destined to furnish our school’s new beautiful nurse area.

BRICKS4KIDS – As an after school activity for our younger students, the school has been in contact with Bricks4 kidz to offer six one-hour, Friday- afternoon sessions beginning on Friday, January 30 from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m.. Following the We learn-We build-We play approach, Bricks 4 Kidz after-school classes build on the universal popularity of LEGO® bricks to deliver a high quality of educational play.  For more information on its educational value, visit  

SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS - Scholastic Book Club leaflets are out. This is an optional activity offered by the school, because we know you want to motivate your child to read at home.  With your purchase, our library will accumulate points to redeem more books for the benefit of your children in our school.  The due date to purchase the books online is this Friday, January 30. The books will arrive to the school in one single delivery, and we will distribute them to the students according to their orders, approximately three weeks after the purchase due date.

CAYOS COCHINOS - As part of TES, Trabajo Educativo Social, the 12th graders will be going to Cayos Cochinos  on March 2 to 7  to assist the community of Cayo Mayor. The Alfonso Lacayo Public School is in need of school materials, so the Senior class has decided to conduct a school supply drive. They would appreciate any and all donations but wish to ask the following classes that each student contributes the following:
Nursery and Kinder – I pack of 12 colored markers
1st and 2nd – 2 pencil sharpeners
3rd and 4th – 1 pack of 12 colored pencils
5th – 2 scissors
6th to 8th – 2 normal sized composition notebooks
9th – 1 blue, black and red pen
10th – 1 pack of 12 pencils and two erasers
11th – 4 UHU glue sticks

WE WOULD ALSO GREATLY APPRECIATE ANY SPANISH BOOK DONATIONS. Please help not only the Senior class, but also the inhabitants of Cayo Mayor.