jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Nursery News May 4-8

Dear Families
We hope that you had a happy, and, relaxing holiday! 
During this week your children will learn about Dinosaurs and the words; Tyrannosaurus, stegosaurus, triceratops, diplodocus, and extinct. 
They will read the book Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, by Byron Barton.
In Math they will Learn ordering numbers 1 to 5.( Learning there’s a sequence to the numbers and what comes next). 
For Show and tell on Thursday please have your child bring a toy dinosaur. They need to say the name of their dinosaur and one or two interesting facts.
Please visit the following sites with your child:
40 Awesome Activities to Practice Numbers with your Child.
Dinosaur Names
Dinosaur Colors

DISCOVERY IDOL AUDITIONS– Our annual talent show is around the corner! Students can audition their songs, dances or other talents this Thursday, May 7, and Friday 8. The talent show will take place on Wednesday, May 20 at 10:15 p.m. 

The Cowboy Carnival this Friday, May 8. Please join our school community for a fun-filled, Cowboy themed evening. There will be attractive cowboy games and delicious food for sale, and the opportunity to watch an amazing movie will having a picnic dinner under the stars!  The DPTO is offering a Pizza Party to the Grade that has the most parents attending the General Assembly!
The school’s Spring General Assembly will take place next Saturday, may 16 at 9:00 a.m. It is VERY IMPORTANT for our parents to attend to vote on the 1025-2016 school calendar and budget.

PINEAPPLE INITIATIVE – If you purchase a pineapple for your home consumption, please send the crown on the pineapple in a bag to school as soon as possible. There is an innovative initiative to plant (and sell) Discovery harvested pineapples! 

viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

Nursery News April 20-24

Dear Families

During this week your children will learn about Insects, and the words; bee, butterfly, ant, ladybug, fly, and, caterpillar.
In Math they will learn to identify, write, and make sets with number 4 (four)
They will read the book From Caterpillar to Butterfly. 
For Show and tell on Thursday please have your child bring a real insect (in a jar) or a toy insect.
Please visit the following sites with your child:
Icky Insects 
The Ants Go Marching 

Important Information:

SUMMER CAMPDiscovery Zone 6 is back! Get an early registration! The Summer Camp will run from June 8-26, from 8:00 to 11: 50 a.m.  Please ask Ms. Valencia Duron for more information vduron@discoveryschool.edu.hn

DISCOVERY'S HELPING HANDS - The community service club led by Mrs. Agurcia, will be selling minutas (snow cones) Friday during lunch and after school to raise funds for Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, a children's home. Each minuta will cost L. 15 and there will be a variety of flavors to choose from. Please help us support this wonderful organization! 

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

Nursery News April 13-17

Dear Families
During this week the children will learn about:
Wild Animals and the words:Lion, giraffe, snake, hippo, and, flamingo. 
In Math they will learn to identify, write, and make sets with number 3 (three)
On Thursday, for Show and tell, please have your child look around the house  for 3 small items ( e.g. Plastic animals, blocks), place them inside a bag labeled with the number 3  and send them to school.
Please, visit the review sites for this week´s lesson.

Animal Jungle Movie
Walking in the Jungle
Learning To count with Teddy

Please Read this Important Information
GO GREEN MONTHLast Friday, we kicked off our GO GREEN month’s activities with an assembly.  Students are reminded to take green actions in their classrooms and at home.  Students will be keeping a “GO GREEN” chart in their classroom to record these actions.   Recycling is one of these actions, so students are encourage to bring from home their cleaned and sorted paper, glass, aluminum, and plastic containers for recycling.   Also, remember to wear green each Friday this month.

GO GREEN CLASSROOM COMPETION FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY - We encourage you to keep these celebrations active in your classrooms, as we celebrate Earth Day this month.  The environmental science students should have bought a poster chart to your classroom.  On this chart, your students can keep track of their "green" actions.  They may add a dot/stick/X to each box when they:
- Recycle aluminum, paper, or plastic in the appropriate bin
- Save energy by turning off the computers, lights, and fan when leaving the classroom
- Conserve resources by using both sides of the paper
- Prevent waste production by using a reusable lunch box or thermos
Please speak with your students about these "green" actions and encourage them as they chart their progress.
Environmental science students will award classes who fill up their charts.  If you have any questions, please let Ms. Christina Agurcia know.

SPANISH WEEK CELEBRATIONS –To commemorate the Day of the Spanish Language (April 23) the Spanihs and Spanish Social Studies teachers will carry out several activities with our students. Some of them are as follows:
*Inaguration Assembly– Monday, April 20 at 8:00 a.m. in the gym (Early Childhood and Elementary students in charge)
*Closing Assembly - Thursday, April 23 at 2:07 p.m. in the gym (Secondary students in charge)
*Classroom Activities related to the language, literature and music: April 20-22
*Rapid Search and Spelling competitions in the Elementary

lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

Nursery News April 7-10

Dear Families
During this week the children will learn about:
Wild Animals and the words: Monkey, alligator, elephant, tiger, and jungle.
In Math they will learn to identify, write, and make sets with number 2 (two)
We will read the book Giraffes Can´t Dance by Guy Parker-Rees.
For show and tell please have your child bring a book or wild toy animal. 

Please, visit the review sites for this week´s lesson.
Animal Jungle Movie
Create an Animal Jungle
Five Little Monkeys


GO GREEN MONTH -  April is the month in which we will celebrate Earth Day, and Discovery School students will participate in a variety of activities that will educate them about all the things the Earth does for us and how we can help preserve it.  We will kick off the month’s celebrations with an assembly on Friday, April 10th from 10:25 AM-10:45 AM.   We encourage all students and teachers to wear greeneach Friday in the month of April!

BRICKS4KIDZ - The second module for Bricks4kidz will begin this Friday, April 10. The sessions will be held on Fridays (in April 10,17 and 24; in May 8,15 and 22) from 3:15 to 4:15 and will be open for students in from kindergarten to grade five. There are spaces still available! You can register on Friday!