viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

Nursery News May 25-29

Dear Parents: 

As the school year comes to an end we would like to thank you for all your hard work, support and cooperation.
It has been a pleasure to work with such a special group of students. We wish you the best next school year,  and we hope you have a great summer.

This week the children will learn about:
 Children Around the World. The nursery students will learn about China and the words: world, children, flag, map, dragon, and lantern. 
We will teach the students about the Chinese culture and some interesting facts about this beautiful country.  Please let us know if you would like to participate and plan an activity for the nursery students. Also, if you have any souvenir that will help us learn more about China please let us borrow it from you, we would really appreciate it.
In Math, the students will review the numbers 0 to 5
For Show and tell on Wednesday, please print one or two images about China and have your child explain what is the picture about.
Chinese New Year Story
Miaomiao´s Chinese New Year
Lion Dance.
Count One to Five

Field Trip To celebrate the end of the school year a group of parents organized a visit to Chiminike. The cost per student is Lps. 150. Please send this money on Monday May 25. 
You are welcome to join us. This field trip will take place on Thursday May 28, we are planning to leave the school at 8:30 am and come back at 11: 15 am.

School News
MERLIN SCHOOL PICTURES – The pictures orders and other products have arrived, and to prevent any damage to the pictures and/or products, they are available for pick up in Ms. Karla Soto’s office (in the reception area).

SCHOOL YEARBOOK 2014-2015:  Our yearbooks (printed in the US) have finally arrived, and will be sold this week.  You can pre-order your copy with Ms. Karla Soto stopping by her office or emailing her at  Save your copy before we run out of yearbooks.  Don’t miss out on having your school memories!
Description: corona-fresca-de-la-piña-21352596.jpg
PINEAPPLE AND PAPAYA INITIATIVE – The planting of papayas and pineapples has begun! Thanks to all the students who brought the pineapple crowns, but we still need more!!! Please bring them to Ms. Cristiana’s room, and be a part of this wonderful project!

For Nursery to 4th Grade :
SUMMER CAMPDiscovery Zone 6 is back! Get an early registration! The Summer Camp will run from June 8-26, from 8:00 to 11: 50 a.m.  Please ask Ms. Valencia Duron for more information

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Nursery News May 18-22

Dear Families

During this week your children will continue to learn Nursery Rhymes, and the words; Market , roast beef, wool, clock, row,and, bag.Please encourage your children to repeat the nursery rhymes with you. 
In Math they will compare numbers 1 to 5, they will use the words more, less, more than, fewer than, and same amount. 
Please have your child practice writing the numbers 0 to 5. 
Please visit the following sites with your child:
This Little Piggy
Baa Baa, Black Sheep.
Mary Mary Quite Contrary
Hickory Dickory Dock.

If you would like to participate to organize the end of the school year party for Nursery and PreKinder please contact Mrs. Elmy Valladares( Valentina's mom) She is willing to work with the parents to organize a nice party for our lovely students.

EARLY DISMISSAL WEDNESDAY – Please remember that our students will be dismissed at 11:45 this Wednesday, May 20. Our teachers will be working on the AdvancedEd Accreditation process that afternoon. We will be following P.M. Schedule that day.

MINUTA SALE - Discovery's Helping Hands, the community service club led by Mrs. Agurcia, will be selling minutas (snow cones) Friday, May 22, during lunch and after school to raise funds for Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, a children's home. Each minuta will cost L. 15 and there will be a variety of flavors to choose from. Please help us support this wonderful organization!

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Nursery News May 11-15

Dear Parents:
Happy Mothers Day!
During this week your children will learn about Nursery Rhymes, and the words; Wall, king, umbrella, raindrop, and, candlestick.
In Math they will compare numbers 1 to 5, they will use the words more, less, more than, fewer than, and same amount. They will also practice writing the numbers 4 and 5.
Please visit the following sites with your child:
Rain, Rain, Go Away! 
Humpty Dumpty 
Jack be Nimble 
Little Miss Muffet 

School News

SPRING GENERAL ASSEMBLY – We want to remind our parents that our Spring General Assembly will take place this Saturday, May 16 at 9:00 a.m. We need to reach a quorum for this General Assembly and be able to vote on budget, calendar and school improvements.The DPTO is offering a Pizza Party to the Grade that has the most parents attending the General Assembly!
 PINEAPPLE INITIATIVE – If you purchase a pineapple for your home consumption, please send the crown on the pineapple in a bag to school as soon as possible. There is an innovative initiative to plant (and sell) Discovery harvested pineapples! We will begin on Monday, May 11, so send those crowns soon!!!
SUMMER CAMP – Discovery Zone 6 is back! Get an early registration! The Summer Camp will run from June 8-26, from 8:00 to 11: 50 a.m.  Please ask Ms. Valencia Duron for more information