domingo, 5 de junio de 2011

Preschool News June 6-8

                                                    Have a Happy Summer Vacation !
Dear Parents.
The children spent a fun morning celebrating the end of the school year. The games were very amusing. The best part was that almost all parents were able to come to the party.
This is the last blog of this school year. When I look back, I am amazed at how much the children have grown in size and maturity. They are ready to take on greater challenges.
I want to thank you for your support throughout this year
To the students who leave us, I wish you well in your new homes. To the students who return, we will meet again on Wednesday August 10.

Important Dates.
Monday, June 6: Fly Up Day. Pre K Students will visit the Kindergarten class.
Tuesday June 7: Discovery Idol begins  at 10:15 a.m.
Wednesday June 8: Last day of school. 
Monday June 13: Discovery Zone Summer Camp begins.

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Preschool News May 31st -June 3rd

Dear Parents.
We are very close to the end of this school year. During these days we will review numbers to 20 and letter sounds.
In math we will be introducing solid geometric figures: cone, sphere and cube.
 The children will participate in the Discovery School Idol on Wednesday June 8th. For that day please, have your child wear a red top and blue pants, shorts or a skirt.
Important Dates:
June 3: End of year party
June 8: Discovery School Idol/ Last day of school

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Preschool News May 23rd-27th

In the rain, in the sun....

Dear parents. During this week the children practiced their reading skills. We played various games to identify the sight words and we practiced the correct form of handling a book when they read. Also they observed the correct form to turn the pages and to move their eyes from left to right. In math, the children counted and ordered the numbers from one to twenty.

Next week we are going to continue practicing these numbers. In science, they are going to explore magnets.

Practice makes perfect. The students of pre kinder have acquired the necessary skills to begin a reading program. I am going to send you some emergent reader books so that you can read them at home with your child. This will help them develop greater fluency.
Important reminders:
Wednesday May 25, Pijama party.
Friday May27. Half day. All the students will be dismissed at 11:45.
Monday May 30. No school, Memorial Day

Mrs Belkis took these photos of the children when they were working together to build a structure.

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Preschool News May 16th-May 20th

Dear Parents These last few weeks the students have been learning about ending sounds in words. They have been doing several exercises to identify rhyming words as well.
In math, we will continue to work with numbers 11 to 20.
The children are learning to read 10 sight words. They are doing an excellent job; I will send you these words to practice reading them at home.
Tentatively, the End of the year party will take place on June 3rd, Ms. Nancy Larin and Ms. Morrison have offered to organize this party. Please contact them if you want to cooperate with this celebration
Miss Pamela wants to have all the Preschool students participate in the talent show. She is requesting your help. Please contact her during this week, no later than May 20.


DISCOVERY IDOL auditions are this week. We hope you participate in the annual school`s Talent Show. It will take place on Tuesday June 7th.
Friday May 27th is an early dismissal day (AM Schedule)
Monday May 30th is a holiday (Memorial Day).
Discovery Zone Summer Camp- begins June 13th. More information will be sent home this week.

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

Preschool News May 9th -May 13th

Thanks to all the families for joining us to celebrate Parent’s Day here at Discovery School.
Also, Miss Belkis and I want to thank you for the pleasant surprise that you prepared for us onTeacher Appreciation Day. We feel very loved and appreciated.

Due to various reasons we could not complete the activities we had planned last week, which is why this week we will continue with the activities that we could not conclude.
On Wednesday May 11 we will send you the mid-term progress report. Please, make an appointment with me if you want to talk personally about your child's progress
Important Dates
 May 14: DPTO GARAGE SALE at Discovery School.
  • Discovery Zone Summer Camp- begins June 13th. More information will be sent home this week.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011

Preschool News May 3rd-7th

We are approaching the end of this year, but prekindergarten students are constantly learning and taking advantage of the last days of school. During this week the children will learn to identify the final sound words. We will perform different exercises for children to develop this skill.

In math we will introduce the numbers 13 and 14.

I found these photos of children getting ready for Easter. Hope you like them

Important Dates:
General assembly and Art exibit:  Thursday May 5th, beginning at 4:30 pm. The general assembly meeting will begin at 6:00 pm, and there will be activities and snacks in the library for the children that come with their parents.

BOOK DRIVE: if you have books in good condition that you would like to donate to the school please bring them in this week!

EARLY DISMISSAL ON FRIDAY MAY 6th: please remember that all the students will be dismissed at 11:45 on Friday. Teacher will use this afternoon to work in the curriculum.

martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Preschool News April 27th-29th

Dear Parents:

The students had a great time celebrating Easter. Thank you very much for your help.
This week we will review rhyming and letter sounds. These topics were introduced before the break. 

Next week we will be celebrating parents by having a special party on Friday, May 6th.  We would like to invite you all to come and enjoy some good food: at 8:15 am. Hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events:
May 2nd: NO SCHOOL, Labor Day Holiday
May 5th at 6:00 p.m. General Assembly

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Preschool News April 11-15

Dear parents. This week we went to play to the soccer field at the bottom of the school campus. The children love to go down there and they call it ¨The Adventure Field¨ I was able to take a few pictures to share with you.

In math ,they compared the capacity of different containers.

The children made a model of Queeny Quail

 Reminders:This is short week. There is no school on Friday.We wish you a wonderful Easter vacation.School will resume on Wednesday April 27

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Preschool news April 4-8

Here are some pictures of the work we have been doing in class.
Painting with finger paints

 A visit to Dr. Izar T.

Dr. Wheeler

Tracing  numbers

Writing a letter to a friend

Discovery School Police Force

Measuring the chair with non standard units.
Movie night, sponsored by the DPTO will take place next Friday April 8th, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. All funds raised will be donated to the victims of the Japanese tsunami and earthquake. Come and watch a fun movie with your children and support a good cause!

Next Wednesday, April 6th, is an early dismissal (11:45 a.m.) for all Discovery students. Elementary Teachers will be meeting to discuss the Social Studies and Science content and curriculum.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Preschool News March 28th-April 1st

Dear Parents:
Last week the students learned about “heavy and light”. The children did several exercises and experiments with different weights. One of the exercises they enjoyed was piggy-back riding; also they enjoyed sorting heavy and light objects with their eyes blinfolded. 

I believe that you already saw the tracing activities we did in class during this past week.  The main reason for doing these exercises is to develop good writing habits in the children. Vertical lines need to start at the top, and horizontal lines begin at the left side. Circles follow a counterclockwise direction. Please encourage these good habits at home.

This week we will introduce community helpers. We will be focusing on helpers within the healthcare community including: doctors, nurses, and veterinarians. We will have our very own clinic in the classroom for our dramatic play center and we need a doctor's toy set. If you have one, please let us borrow  it. The children can leave the toys in the classroom all week.

 Report cards were sent home on Friday. Please sign the empty envelope and send it back to school.
 Next Wednesday April 6th is an early dismissal for all the students(11:45 a.m.) Teachers will be working on curriculum.