domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Preschool News May 23rd-27th

In the rain, in the sun....

Dear parents. During this week the children practiced their reading skills. We played various games to identify the sight words and we practiced the correct form of handling a book when they read. Also they observed the correct form to turn the pages and to move their eyes from left to right. In math, the children counted and ordered the numbers from one to twenty.

Next week we are going to continue practicing these numbers. In science, they are going to explore magnets.

Practice makes perfect. The students of pre kinder have acquired the necessary skills to begin a reading program. I am going to send you some emergent reader books so that you can read them at home with your child. This will help them develop greater fluency.
Important reminders:
Wednesday May 25, Pijama party.
Friday May27. Half day. All the students will be dismissed at 11:45.
Monday May 30. No school, Memorial Day

Mrs Belkis took these photos of the children when they were working together to build a structure.

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