lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Help Wanted !

 Dear Parents:

Please send a Shoe box no later than Wednesday, March 2 We need it to make a bus.  If you have extra ones, you can send them too. Thank you, Ms. Gigi

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Preschool News February 28-March 4

Dear Parents:

This week we will study another type of transportation: vehicles that can fly in the air such as airplanes, helicopters, and hot air balloons.  The students will make their own paper airplanes and will experiment with the design of a paper airplane and how far it can travel.
 Next week we will continue our unit on transportation by studying boats and ships.
The students have been discussing about time and the clock. They talked about the importance of time. Most of them explained that the clock lets us know when it is time for bed.  
The students have been working hard with their zoo phonics letters and sounds; and this week were introduced to reading two letter words such as: is, at, up, etc.. It was very amazing to see the pre-k students grasp this idea with ease. Please be sure to practice the sounds of the letters at home!  We have also started to introduce writing of  lower case letters and focused on l and i this week.  Children should always begin their letters at the top because it helps them to visually structure the rest of the letter
Important Dates:
March 11 Family Night from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
March 17 End of third Quarter.
March 25 Parent Teacher conferences.

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

Preschool News February 21-25

Thank you parents and students for your contributions to our Valentine’s Day celebration. The children were very eager to give and to receive all the beautiful cards and treats they prepared for this special occasion. 

This week we will start our unit on transportation and will begin by studying trains. Please let me know if you can share with us some books or toys related to this theme. They will be returned to you at the end of the week. 

In math we will be learning about Time.   The students will make a paper clock to observe each part with attentiveness. We will also learn the rhyme ¨Hickory Dickory Dock¨ 
Please remember to sign and send back the Midterm Reports. Do not hesitate to contact me if you want to discuss your child’s report.

domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Preschool News Feruary 14-18

 The students have been working hard to learn their letters and sounds and last week we did many activities and games to practice letter and sound recognition. One of the games that the children liked a lot was fishing letters. We also finished a booklet of the alphabet. Please be sure to practice the sounds of the letters at home!  We have also been starting to introduce writing of lower case letters and focused on l and i this week.  Children should always begin their tall letters at the top because it helps them to visually structure the rest of the letter.  

This week we will study farm animals and we will continue to learn more about the basic needs of living creatures.
In math, the children will have to copy and continue ABB and AAB patterns.
Thanks for all your contributions to celebrate Valentine{s Day in our class.

Chronicles of Discovery, a literary and art magazine for Discovery School high school students will be coming soon.

Submissions for both art and literature are being accepted now until March 11.
The official award ceremony will take place in April.
For more information contact Mr. Fenn or Ms. Campbell.

Important Dates:
February 17: Science Fair and progress reports will go home in your child’s folder.
February 18,21: No school, Presidents’ Day

domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

Preschool News February 7- 11

We have had a busy week full of studying sea animals!  We have made beautiful art projects and ocean scenes to decorate our classroom. We have been reading many books about whales, sharks and other animals that live in the sea. This week we will begin learning about different animals that live in the jungle.
In math, the children are learning to identify a pattern. We made several shape and color patterns with the pattern blocks.
This week we will look for patterns in nature. At home you can help your child to follow sound and movement patterns. For example clap your hands then thump your feet.
We want to celebrate friendship with our Valentine’s Day party on Friday February 11th.  The students will be decorating bags to put their valentines in, so please be sure to send them to school with a Valentine for everyone in the classroom.  A class list of students is at the bottom of this letter.  If you would like to share something with the class this day, please send in juice, cups, plates, or silverware-thanks! 
Two of our students are leaving Discovery school. They are: Frank Martinez and Juan Daniel Medina. We wish you good luck in your new  home and school.
We also want to welcome a new student in our class. Her name is, Adriana Lucia Jimenez.
List of students:
Adriana Estrada             David A. Cambar
Adriana Jimenez            David I. Barahona
Alessandra M. Perez      Marco Wheeler
Celina Izar Thompson    Max Irey
Emilia von Planta           Sebastian Kotschote
Mariana Box
Nicolle Rodríguez
Valentina Palma