lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

Preschool News February 21-25

Thank you parents and students for your contributions to our Valentine’s Day celebration. The children were very eager to give and to receive all the beautiful cards and treats they prepared for this special occasion. 

This week we will start our unit on transportation and will begin by studying trains. Please let me know if you can share with us some books or toys related to this theme. They will be returned to you at the end of the week. 

In math we will be learning about Time.   The students will make a paper clock to observe each part with attentiveness. We will also learn the rhyme ¨Hickory Dickory Dock¨ 
Please remember to sign and send back the Midterm Reports. Do not hesitate to contact me if you want to discuss your child’s report.

1 comentario:

  1. Thanks, Ms. Gigi, for the beautiful Valentine's Day celebration! Priscila
