domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Nursery News August 26-30

Dear Parents:
This week we will learn about:

Theme: All About Me

Vocabulary:Me. I am, I have, My favorite, food, toy..

Concept: Color Yellow and the following words:sun, sunflower, banana, lion, lemon,duckling.

On Wednesday the students will have ¨Yellow dress day¨ Please have your child  wear a yellow piece of clothing.
Also, on this day please pack a yellow snack in their lunch box .Your child needs to learn the name of the snack that he /she will bring.   Thanks a lot for your involvement.

Preschool Education is a fun time with many learning activities. Preschool learning games online teach kids to recognize colors and shapes and to concentrate.Please go to this web site to practice color recognition at home.

 Important information:

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY – As stated in our school calendar, the last Wednesday of every month is assigned for Teacher Professional Development. This Wednesday, August 27 is an early dismissal day for students (11:45 a.m.). We appreciate parents picking their child(dren) up promptly so our teachers can attend the professional development that has been planned for that day.
ECOFRIENDLY LUNCH DAY - Discovery students are aiming to be more "green" by recycling and reducing our waste production.  To promote this effort, the 10th grade Environmental Science students will be hosting Ecofriendly Lunch Day on Thursday, August 29th.  During recess, there will be games, activities, and prizes that will encourage students to pack a waste-free lunch.  Previous to this, environmental science students will be visiting classrooms to promote waste reduction and recycling.  Parents, please join with us in this effort and help your student pack a waste-free lunch each day.  For more information about waste-free lunches, please see

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