lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Nursery News October 15-18

Dear Families.
This week we will learn about:
The color Brown and the words: bear, potato, chocolate, mud,and log.
The Five Senses and the words: see, hear, sound, senses,and touch.
Please, help your child at home find an object that makes a particular sound, for example a whistle. Have your child learn the name of that object and place it inside a bag they need to bring it to school on Wednesday for show and tell. 
We encourage you to take advantage of these links to practice with your little one.
the five senses video 
Brown Bear 

Also we need your help to create a musical instrument at home. Please send the instrument to scool on Tuesday October 22. 
 Try this link for easy ideas
DONATIONS NEEDED:  Don’t forget to send in cereal boxes for Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” between now and November 20. The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!

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