domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

Nursery News november 4-8

Dear Parents.
Thank you helping us celebrate U.N. and Book Character Day. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
The Color of the week is White and the words are: polar bear, milk, egg, goose, snowman, and cloud.
This week´s theme is Fall and the words: Fall, corn, leaves, season, and pumpkin.
We will read the book Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do you Hear By Eric Carle and Bill Martin jr.
For show and Tell on Wednesday, please have your child bring something white to school.
These are the suggested links for this week.
Polar Bear
The color white
Mary had a Little Lamb

Please read this important information.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT THIS WEEK -  Missi Love is returning for a follow-up training at the end of this week. She will work with all of our teachers on the Four Blocks Literacy Program, Literature Circles, and 6+1 Traits of Writing, and guide teachers’ discussions of how they grade written work, and why. This will take place on Friday, November 8 and Saturday, November 9. These two days will be full working days for teachers.  There will be no school for students on Friday, November 8 as stated in the school calendar.

DONATIONS NEEDED:  Please remember to send in cereal boxes for Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” between now and November 20. The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!
CHILDREN’S OPERA AT THE MANUEL BONILLA – Grades Kindergarten through Fifth have been invited to the presentation of LA TORTUGA Y LA MAGICA CANCION UWUNGELEMA, the first Children’s Opera to be presented in Honduras. This opera was written and directed by Maestro Jorge Mejia. The students will attend this presentation this Wednesday, November 6. We will leave the school at 8:00 a.m. and return at around 11:00 a.m. The fee for the entrance and transportation is L180.00. If you have not sent this fee, please make sure you do so by Monday.  For this field trip, each grade must have one parent chaperon for every 4 students. If you are interested in helping, please contact your child’s teacher. Since this is a field trip to the National Theater, we are asking students to dress formally for this occasion (i.e. dress/skirt and blouse and dressy shoes for girls, slacks, shirt and shoes for boys).

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