domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

Nursery News September 22-26

Dear Parents this week the children will continue to learn about:
Theme: All About Me and the words: Boy, girl, me, birthday, and, play.
For Show and Tell, on Friday, please have your child bring an orange (the fruit) we will prepare orange juice in class. Also, please send in a family picture no later than Friday Sept. 26th, the picture should include: Mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, and, grandfather. You may send several pictures.

Please visit the links provided to review the concepts that we are currently studying.
Please click here to learn about the color orange. 

           Please Read This Important Information:

EM TECH AUDIT – Our school is being visited by a Technology team this week. They will be meeting with teachers, students, admin and parents. If you would like to come and talk to them join us for conversation on Friday, September 26 at 2:00 p.m. in the Library. (Schedule and Personal Information of Tech Specialists follows this note).

GENERAL ASSEMBLY – Our Fall General Assembly will take place this Saturday, September 27 at 9:00 a.m. in the school cafeteria. We invite all our parents to come and stay informed about important school decisions.

MAP FALL TESTING SESSION –We continue with week 2 of our fall testing session. Your cooperation in making sure your child does not miss school on the days we have the tests is greatly appreciated.


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