viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Nursery News October 13-17

Dear parents, during this week we will cover the following:
Theme: Parts of the body. The children will learn the words: Head, eyes , nose, mouth, and ears.
The color purple and the words: Grape, egg plant, violet, plum, and, grape Popsicle.

We will read the story of the Gingerbread Man.
On Thursday, please have your child bring a purple item to school for Show and Tell.
Please visit this site to practice the Color Purple
Please visit this site to practice Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Important Information
KUDOS FOR CREATIVE INSTRUCTION – This Wednesday, October 15Ms. Marisela and Ms Norma will be sharing the digital stories that the third, fourth and fifth graders created on The final products will be shared with parents during our Student Led Conferences.

SCIENCE FAIR- Our Early Childhood and Elementary have begun working on their Science Fair projects. Grades K-2 will work on whole group projects with their teacher, grades 3-5 will complete a packet according to established deadlines, and will work on this project at home. Elementary parents need to keep in mind the deadlines that are established for each step of the project.

 SENIORS BAKE SALE - The Senior class will have a bake sale on Wednesday, October 22 during snack and lunch recess.

·         Our Student Led Conferences will take place next Friday, October 24. Conferences for the first quarter are mandatory at Discovery School. Parents will be contacted this week.
·         Our U.N. Day Celebration will take place on Wednesday, October 29. If you want to set a country up, or contribute with the organization, please let the DPTO know. 

·         There will be no school on October 30 and 31 in compliance to Congress’ decree for mowing the holidays this month.  Classes will resume on November 3

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