viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

Nursery News January 12-16

Dear Parents:
During this week the children will continue to learn about transportation and the words: airplane, motorcycle, bicycle, helicopter, and, boat.
In math they will learn to identify a Triangle shape and the words: Sailboat, pine tree, party hat, crown, and, pizza slice.

For show and tell on Thursday the children need to bring another toy vehicle preferably, one of the vehicles that we will study this week.  
Please visit the following links with your child:
Magic Train Ride
The Journey Home from Grandpa's
Shapes Game

School News.
SECOND QUARTER REPORT CARDS AND CONFERENCES – This Friday, January 16 has been set aside for the distribution of the report cards for the second quarter. This day is an early dismissal day for students, and they will be released at 11:45 a.m. We will follow the PM Schedule (which begins with period four). Conferences for this day are on a need basis. Teachers will send notices for the conferences on Monday, January 12. If you did not receive a notice, but would like to meet with a teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the school to set an appointment for the afternoon of that day. 
EPSON TRAINING – The administration team has decided to seize the opportunity being offered by Epson with the visit of a specialized trainer being flown to Tegucigalpa. Therefore, next Wednesday, January 14 will be an early dismissal day for students, and we will follow the AM schedule (periods one through four). The training will begin at 1:00 p.m. in the computer lab. 

BRICKS4KIDS – As an after school activity for our younger students, the school has been in contact with Bricks4 kidz to offer six one-hour, Friday- afternoon sessions beginning on Friday, January 30. There will be a presentation for interested parents and teachers at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, January 16 in the Library. Following the We learn-We build-We play approach, Bricks 4 Kidz after-school classes build on the universal popularity of LEGO® bricks to deliver a high quality of educational play.  For more information on its educational value, visit

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