domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Preschool Weekly Letter Week of August 27- September3

This week we will be learning about:

Colors: green and orange. The children in Pre Kinder will learn to identify the color words red and blue.

Shapes: Rectangle.

Sorting objects by shape and color.

Days of the week.

During the month of September we will be talking about Honduras.

Thank you for coming to the Open House. It was very nice getting to know you.

Please get in touch with me if you have any question or concern about your child.

Important dates:

Sept 10 Independence Day Celebration (Early dismissal).

This celebration will take place on Friday, September 10, 2010 from 9:00 – 11:30 AM. As part of the educational activities, typical Honduran food will be served at the end of the program. As in the past, the school is requesting a contribution of Lps. 100.00 in cash per family. You can give the money to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday September 6.

Sept 13 to 15 Holiday: Independence Day.

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