miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

Preschool Welcome Letter

Dear Parents:

We would like to welcome you to the 2010-2011 school year! We are very excited about all the things that we will be learning and creating this year in the nursery/pre-k classroom.


The Nursery/Pre-K day runs from 8:00-12:00 am everyday. We recognize that the traffic in Tegucigalpa can be hectic, but please try your best to be on time for the arrival and dismissal. Thank you for being on time!


We encourage parents to send healthy snacks with their students to minimize the amount of candy, chocolate, chips, etc. that are sent to school. Please do not send your child with any type of soda, it is messy if spilled and caffeine can cause the students to be hyper.


The students have a 30 minute recess time each day and are allowed to access the playground to the left and right of the second grade classroom. We review the playground rules often but accidents do happen occasionally because the students are young and active.


The students participate in Physical Education classes three times a week with Ms. Carol. These classes are typically outside on the field by the cafeteria or in the enclosed gymnasium. Please be sure to send your child with sun block and good shoes (e.g. tennis shoes) for the days when we have P.E. class.


The students participate in music class twice a week with Ms. Pamela. The Pre-K curriculum and the music class curriculum and very closely related so the students often learn songs and musical activities that relate to what we are learning in class.


This year the students will receive Spanish classes twice a week. Mrs. Liana Suazo is going to be their teacher, please see the schedule.


Please remember that children learn through experimenting, discovering and trying out new materials. This may include such things as playing with paints, glue, sand, water, etc. Children are active and will be climbing, jumping, rolling and doing other physical activities. Appropriated clothing will be necessary, therefore, please have the student wear casual clothes only.

No Toys:

We ask the students not to bring toys from home. We have found this to be the best policy to keep toys intact.

Communication between School and Home:

We would like for each student to have a backpack and a folder with pockets. This folder will be provided here at school and it should come to school and go home every day. The folder will contain any information or homework that you need to know about. This is a good place to send any correspondence to us.

If you would like to come and talk with us, please contact the office in advance to set up an appointment, or send a note. We will be happy to discuss any concerns that you may have.

The school is trying very hard to decrease the use of paper. For this reason the weekly and monthly letters will be sent via email and also they will be posted on my blog. To access this blog go to www.mrsgigimejia..blogspot.com

Please check your email every week to receive important information about different school news and events.

Parent’s Role:

Your support and involvement is essential to the success of your child. We appreciate parental involvement. The children will love for you to come and share your special talents, abilities and time.

Reporting System:

Our reported card is divided into areas of development and they are broken down into specific skills or benchmarks.

Your child’s progress will be reported with what they learn each quarter according to the following key:

AC= Accomplished meaning that the student has successfully completed the standards required for quarter.

IP= In Progress meaning that the student is still working on meeting the standards required for the quarter.

NE= Not Evident meaning that the student has not reached the standards required for the quarter.

X= Not Introduced Yet meaning that the concept has not been introduced yet.

Assessment for each quarter will be done using different methods in order to provide and encourage the student’s success.

If you need to contact me:

Ms. Gigi’s mobile is 99706560 E-mail: gmejia@discoveryschool.edu.hn

Please do not hesitate to call me if you need to talk to me.


• One box of baby wipes.

• L. 1,500 for school supplies. ($75)

We are working forward to an exciting year full of learning, growth and fun.

Please send me tomorrow your home phone number, cell phone number and e-mail.

Thank you for choosing Discovery School and WELCOME!


Ms. Gigi Mejia

Ms. Sofía Cáceres (N/P-K Assistant)

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