domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Preschool News March 7-11

Dear Parents:  Last week we had a great time making paper planes. The children made a model of a plane with cardboard. This week we are going to study boats and other types of water transportation. Please send an empty soda plastic bottle of 1 or 2 lts. To make an art project.

In reading, the students are becoming more confident in their ability to read two letter words. The pre kinder students are ready to begin reading three letter words. I will be sending you some exercises to practice reading at home.
In math, the students will learn measurement.  This week we will talk about length and height and we will use the unifix cubes to measure a variety of objects.

Please remember FAMILY NIGHT IS THIS FRIDAY! It is going to be a fun filled evening with lots of good food, games and a special music presentation. 
The Music department will be devoting their class time this week to constructing musical instruments for the BATUCADA SAMBA GRITÓN group presentation on Family Night. Please make sure that your child brings with him/her the following materials for your child’s choice of instrument by Monday morning:    For Drums: An Large Empty Milk Can with its lid (preferably “CETECO” brand, but any will do) OR a medium size plastic bucket, AND a broom stick (with out the broom).  For Maracas: Two small empty cans OR two small Agua Azul bottles.    Please send your child’s materials labeled with your child’s name. If you have extras of any of these materials, please donate them to share with the children who may not be able to bring them. If your child has any stickers or drawings that they would like to use for decorating their instrument, please encourage them to bring them or put them in the bag along with the materials.

We hope you can all join us for a wonderful fun filled evening.

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