domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Nursery News December 16-18

Dear Parents.
 During this week we will evaluate your child's progress in school.
Please remember to review with your child the concepts and vocabulary learned. 
We encourage you to refer to last week's post when reviewing with your child at home also take advantage of using the links that have been provided in the course of this quarter. 
To celebrate the holidays we have prepared some working stations in our classroom. You are welcome to come on Wednesday from 8:00 to 9:00 am to work with your child or read a story related to this festivity. Please bring a small snack to share. 

Please read this important information;
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! – We wish to express our gratitude to all our parents and students for opening their heart this holiday season to share with those around you. The donations of the disinfectant were delivered to FUNDACION ABRIGO last week in the name of our student body. The shoes and socks that were given for the children at NUESTROS PEQUENOS HERMANOS are ready to be handed out at a Christmas event at the orphanage.  Your contributions for the SUPPORT PERSONNEL HOLIDAY BASKETS are being organized and will be given to them this Wednesday.  Since all these donations were voluntary, we deeply appreciate our community’s willingness to reach out and share with others.
DPTO NEWS- The DPTO wishes to remind the parents who have not yet done so, to please pay the L.200.00 fee to support the DPTO. This contribution fee was agreed upon on the last Assembly, and is a vital contribution in order to keep on planning fun events for all of our school community to enjoy!  You can leave the payment with Ms. Carolina at the reception.
We also want to let you know that our DPTO blog has been updated, so please check it out!
SCHOOL FACEBOOK PAGE – Please check out our school Facebook page for news, pictures and tips that are helpful for both teachers and students. Look for Discovery School, Tegucigalpa, Honduras or follow this link:
            Don’t forget to click “Like” for our page to receive the latest updates and posts.

domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

Nursery News December 9-13

Dear parents.
Thank you very much for lending us the scooters, the nursery students had a lot of fun riding them.
During this week the children will learn:
Theme: Christmas and the words: Santa, tree, gift, reindeer, and star.
Shape: Triangle and the words: Pine tree, sailboat, party hat, pizza slice.
Please start practicing the vocabulary learned during the second quarter. You may refer to older posts to review the words.We suggest you to access the following links with your child. 
Jingle Bells
Game to practice the shapes
Toy shop game
Little Snowflake  (This is the song that the Nursery students will sing at the Songfest. Please practice it at home.)

SONGFEST – The School’s annual Songfest will be held on Friday, December 13 at 1:30 p.m. Parents are welcome to come and have lunch with our students before the performances. There will be a sale of food, baked goods and drinks.
Students have been asked to wear clothes in Christmas colors.  If they have Christmas accessories, they can wear them, too.    
SUPPORT PERSONNEL HOLIDAY BASKETS Christmas is the season to open our hearts and share with those around us that need it most. It has been a tradition at Discovery School for students to come together and contribute in assembling baskets of goods for our support personnel.  We are asking for your cooperation in sending the following:
Nursery/PKinder and 6th grade students 1 5-lb bag of beans
Kinder and 7th grade students                   1 5 lb bag of rice
1st grade and 8th grade students               1 5-lb bag of sugar
2nd grade and 9th grade students              1 bottle or 2 bags of oil, 2 boxes of margarine, OR 3 lbs of lard
3rd grade and 10th grade students             1 4lb-bag of MASECA
4th grade and 11th grade students             3 lbs of spaghetti (six packages) OR 1 bag of coffee
5th grade and 12th grade students             4 packages of tomato paste
Please feel free to send any additional goodies that you want to share with our devoted staff, such as canned goods, instant soups, cookies and crackers, or anything else that does not require refrigeration.  Please send these items no later than Monday, December 16th. Donations from our students are voluntary, and we deeply appreciate our community’s willingness to share with our dedicated workers
CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE:  Thank you for selecting your tags from the NPH Giving Tree.  Please remember to bring your item with the tag attached to Mrs. Agurcia's Room (Secondary Building; Room 7) by Tuesday, December 10th.
CAFETERIA HOLIDAY LUNCHEON - The Cafeteria is hosting a Holiday Luncheon for parents and children this Friday right before Songfest.  For Menus and prices go to

domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Nursery News December 2=6

Dear Parents. We hope you had a great long weekend! December is here and our little students keep working hard and getting ready for the Songfest.
 During this week we will learn about;
Shape: Square, and the words: Window, box, board game, cracker,
Theme: Toys, and the words: teddy bear, doll, scooter, ball, puzzle,and toy car.
Please let us know if you can lend us a scooter to use this week in school.
For Show and Tell on Wednesday, your child needs to bring one of his/ her favorite toys. They need to know the name of the toy to present to their classmates.
Please practice the nursery rhyme for this week.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.

 Important Information.
MINI CHRISTAMS BAZAAR – Our school DPTO is organizing an early shopping opportunity for our families on December 5 and 6. The event will last all school day long! Come and support our DPTO and take advantage of the great items that will be on sale at terrific prices!!!!

SONGFEST – The School’s annual Songfest will be held on Friday, December 13 at 1:30 p.m. Parents are welcome to come and have lunch with our students before the performances. There will be a sale of food, baked goods and drinks. 

PREPARATION FOR SONG FEST - In preparation for our song fest, we are asking parents who have spare Christmas decorations which they would like to share with us for the stage presentation taking place on December.13,to please send them to your child's homeroom teacher next week.We will take good care of them and return them by Monday, December, 16. Anticipated thanks for your unconditional support in all our school activities.

CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE:  Nuestro Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) is an international organization that takes in abandoned and orphaned children, providing a home and education.  Here in Honduras, the NPH organization provides for over 500 children in at large ranch near La Venta and home in Tegucigalpa for severely handicapped children.   While many children at the ranch have aunts, uncles, or grandparents that come to visit them and can provide some Christmas gifts, some children at a ranch have no family to visit.  It is these children, whom we would like to provide for this Christmas.   On the second floor of the secondary building, a NPH Giving Tree will be set up.   Choose a paper tree that has a child’s information about his/her size for shoes or socks.  Purchase the new item and return it to Mrs. Agurcia’s Room (Rm. 7) by Tuesday, December 10th, with the tree tag taped to it.  As well, there are tree tags for basic food items that will be donated to the orphanage.  Cash donations will also be accepted to provide shoes and socks for children whose tags were not selected.  Thank you for giving this Christmas!  If more information about NPH’s work in Honduras, please visit 

FUNDACION ABRIGO - Discovery Schoo, l in solidarity with FUNDACION ABRIGO ( A foundation that provides lodging for families from outside Tegucigalpa who bring patients to Hospital Escuela), is asking our school community’s collaboration in sending us a donation of 1 gallon of disinfectant per family by this Friday, December 6. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated!

domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

Nursery News November 25-29

 Dear Parents. Thank you very much for the wonderful Thanksgiving feast. It was a very special celebration.
This week in Nursery we will continue to learn about:
Theme: Food and the words: bread, milk, cereal, pancakes, and soup.
Shape: Circle and the words: cookie, dish, wheel, balloon, and bubble.
We would like to do some cooking activities during this week if you have a simple recipe to share with our students you are more than welcome to come and show our students how to prepare it. Please let us know if you are able to participate in this activity.
For Show and Tell on Wednesday the students need to bring a real fruit, they need to name it.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Food vocabulary
Food hunt game

Please read this important information.

MIDTERM REPORTS – Midterm reports were issued last Friday, November 22. These should be signed by parents and returned to the teacher as soon as possible. If you would like a conference and one was not requested by the teacher, please call the school to set up an appointment.  
MINI CHRISTAMS BAZAAR – Our school DPTO is organizing an early shopping opportunity for our families on December 5 and 6. The event will last all school day long! Come and support our DPTO and take advantage of the great items that will be on sale at terrific prices!!!!
SONGFEST – In order to avoid the late afternoon and early evening traffic congestion, the School’s annual Songfest will be held on Friday, December 13 at 1:30 p.m. Parents are welcome to come and have lunch with our students before the performances. There will be a sale of food, baked goods and drinks. 
PREPARATION FOR SONG FEST - In preparation for our Songfest, we are asking parents who have spare Christmas decorations which they would like to share with us for the stage presentation taking place on December.13, to please send them to your child's homeroom teacher next week.We will take good care of them and return them by Monday, December 16. Anticipated thanks for your unconditional support in all of our school activities.
CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE:  Nuestro Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) is an international organization that takes in abandoned and orphaned children, providing a home and education.  Here in Honduras, the NPH organization provides for over 500 children in a large ranch near La Venta and home in Tegucigalpa for severely handicapped children.   While many children at the ranch have aunts, uncles, or grandparents that come to visit them and can provide some Christmas gifts, some children at a ranch have no family to visit.  It is these children for whom we would like to provide this Christmas.   On the second floor of the secondary building, an NPH Giving Tree will be set up.   Choose a paper tree that has a child’s information about his/her size for shoes or socks.  Purchase the new item and return it to Mrs. Agurcia’s Room (Rm. 7) by Tuesday, December 10, with the tree tag taped to it.  As well, there are tree tags for basic food items that will be donated to the orphanage.  Cash donations will also be accepted to provide shoes and socks for children whose tags were not selected.  Thank you for giving this Christmas!  If more information about NPH’s work in Honduras, please visit 
FUNDACION ABRIGO - Discovery School, in solidarity with FUNDACION ABRIGO ( A foundation that provides lodging for families from outside Tegucigalpa who bring patients to Hospital Escuela), is asking our school community’s collaboration. If you would like to participate and help this organization, please send a donation of 1 gallon of disinfectant per family by Friday, December 6. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated!

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

Nursery News November 11-15

Dear Families
This week your little ones will be learning the following:
The color gray and the words: elephant, mouse, shark, squirrel, and  rock.
Theme: we will continue to learn about the Fall season and the words: fall, harvest. corn. turkey, and Thanksgiving Day.
Please remember to send a grey item to school on Wednesday and try to visit these links with your child:
Grey squirrel 
Hickory Dickory Dock 

Important Announcements :
FROM THE SCHOOL’S CAFETERIA -  Please visit the Cafeteria blog for information on the delicious Pecan, Apple and Pumpkin pies that can be ordered for your Thanksgiving celebrations. The cafeteria is also offering a meal for the classroom festivities at a very attractive price!
DONATIONS NEEDED:  Don’t forget to send in cereal boxes for Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” between now and November 20. The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!
CHILDREN’S OPERA – Thanks to all our parents who accompanied us to the Theater last Wednesday. Your contributions helped to the success of this field trip.)

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

Nursery News november 4-8

Dear Parents.
Thank you helping us celebrate U.N. and Book Character Day. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
The Color of the week is White and the words are: polar bear, milk, egg, goose, snowman, and cloud.
This week´s theme is Fall and the words: Fall, corn, leaves, season, and pumpkin.
We will read the book Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do you Hear By Eric Carle and Bill Martin jr.
For show and Tell on Wednesday, please have your child bring something white to school.
These are the suggested links for this week.
Polar Bear
The color white
Mary had a Little Lamb

Please read this important information.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT THIS WEEK -  Missi Love is returning for a follow-up training at the end of this week. She will work with all of our teachers on the Four Blocks Literacy Program, Literature Circles, and 6+1 Traits of Writing, and guide teachers’ discussions of how they grade written work, and why. This will take place on Friday, November 8 and Saturday, November 9. These two days will be full working days for teachers.  There will be no school for students on Friday, November 8 as stated in the school calendar.

DONATIONS NEEDED:  Please remember to send in cereal boxes for Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” between now and November 20. The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!
CHILDREN’S OPERA AT THE MANUEL BONILLA – Grades Kindergarten through Fifth have been invited to the presentation of LA TORTUGA Y LA MAGICA CANCION UWUNGELEMA, the first Children’s Opera to be presented in Honduras. This opera was written and directed by Maestro Jorge Mejia. The students will attend this presentation this Wednesday, November 6. We will leave the school at 8:00 a.m. and return at around 11:00 a.m. The fee for the entrance and transportation is L180.00. If you have not sent this fee, please make sure you do so by Monday.  For this field trip, each grade must have one parent chaperon for every 4 students. If you are interested in helping, please contact your child’s teacher. Since this is a field trip to the National Theater, we are asking students to dress formally for this occasion (i.e. dress/skirt and blouse and dressy shoes for girls, slacks, shirt and shoes for boys).

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

Nursery News Oct 28-Nov.1

Dear Parents.
During this week the students will learn about:
The color black and the words: bat, spider. wheel, cat, and night.
We will talk about United Nations Day and will participate in the celebration to commemorate this day.
Please remember that we will also have the Book Character Day celebration on Thursday October 31st.
I would like to share some pictures of our talented nursery students singing and playing several instruments.

U.N. DAY CELEBRATION-  The DPTO is organizing our annual U.N. Day celebration for this Wednesday, October 30. We hope our parents can join us this day. The celebration will begin at 9:00 a.m. to allow parents time to set up their tables. Students will be dismissed from school at 11:45 a.m. The DPTO has planned an International Fashion Show for the UN Day, and they need your help! If you want to participate by modeling or by lending any typical costume that you may have, please contact Marielos or Alexanderia at the following email  or 

DONATIONS NEEDED:  Don’t forget to send in cereal boxes for Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” between now and November 20. The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!

BOOK CHARACTER DAY – The Early Childhood and Elementary students are asked to come dressed as their favorite book character on Thursday, October 31. Grades 3, 4 and 5 will be hosting a live wax museum of book characters during the second period.
CHILDREN’S OPERA AT THE MANUEL BONILLA – Grades Kindergarten through Fifth have been invited to the presentation of LA TORTUGA Y LA MAGICA CANCION UWUNGELEMA, the first Children’s Opera to be presented in Honduras. This opera ws wriiten and directed by Maestro Jorge Mejia. The students will be attending this presentation on Wednesday, November 6. We will leave the school at 8:00 a.m. and return at around 11:00 a.m. The fee for the entrance and transportation is L180.00, which must be sent to the school no later than Friday, November 1. For this field trip, each grade must have one parent chaperon for every 4 students. If you are interested, please contact your child’s teacher.

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Nursery News Oct 21-25

Dear Parents.
This week we will learn about:
  • The Color Pink and the words: rose, flamingo, strawberry milk, piglet, and cotton candy.
  • The five senses and the words: touch, smooth, rough, sweet, sour, and salty.  

 Please take advantage of the links provided to practice with your child the concepts covered in school.
color pink
the five senses
Please remember to send to school the musical instrument that you and your little one made at home.

Important Information.
REPORT CARDS AND CONFERENCES – We will be issuing the report cards for the first quarter this Friday, October 25. Please make sure that you are planning to attend the meetings with your child’s teachers to discuss the academic progress in the first quarter.

VOLUNTEERS FOR THE U.N. DAY FASHION SHOW -  The DPTO is organizing an International Fashion Show for the UN Day, and we need your help! If you want to participate by modeling or by lending us any typical costume that you may have, please contact Marielos or Alexanderia at the following email addresses:  or

DONATIONS NEEDED:  Don’t forget to send in cereal boxes for Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” between now and November 20. The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!

CHILDREN’S OPERA AT THE MANUEL BONILLA – Grades Kindergarten through Fifth have been invited to the presentation of LA TORTUGA Y LA MAGICA CANCION UWUNGELEMA, the first Children’s Opera to be presented in Honduras. This opera ws wriiten and directed by Maestro Jorge Mejia. The students will be attending this presentation on Wednesday, November 6. We will leave the school at 8:00 a.m. and return at around 11:00 a.m. The fee for the entrance and transportation is L180.00, which must be sent to the school no later than Friday, November 1. For this field trip, each grade must have one parent chaperon for every 4 students. If you are interested, please contact your child’s teacher.

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Nursery News October 15-18

Dear Families.
This week we will learn about:
The color Brown and the words: bear, potato, chocolate, mud,and log.
The Five Senses and the words: see, hear, sound, senses,and touch.
Please, help your child at home find an object that makes a particular sound, for example a whistle. Have your child learn the name of that object and place it inside a bag they need to bring it to school on Wednesday for show and tell. 
We encourage you to take advantage of these links to practice with your little one.
the five senses video 
Brown Bear 

Also we need your help to create a musical instrument at home. Please send the instrument to scool on Tuesday October 22. 
 Try this link for easy ideas
DONATIONS NEEDED:  Don’t forget to send in cereal boxes for Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” between now and November 20. The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

Nursery News Oct 7-11

 Dear Parents.
October 11 marks the end of the first quarter. During this week we will evaluate your child's progress in school.
Please remember to review with your child the concepts and vocabulary learned. 
We encourage you to refer to last week's post when reviewing with your child at home also take advantage of using the links that have been provided in the course of this quarter. 
Please read this important information;

MAP FALL TESTING SESSION – This is the third week of our Map testing session. Parent cooperation in making sure our students are in school on time is greatly appreciated. 

NO ELECTRICITY ON TUESDAY – The ENEE has published that there will be no electricity in our school on Tuesday, October 8. We encourage parents to pack snack and lunch for students that does NOT require refrigeration or heating.

DONATIONS NEEDED: “Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” is an organization aiming to help children from public schools that cannot afford notebooks. In order to help, the organization makes notebooks out of cereal boxes and pages from used notebooks. They are now collecting cereal boxes until November 20, and we encourage our students and teachers to bring cereal boxes from their homes. At the end of the contest, the grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Nursery News Sep30-Oct 4

Dear families.
Thank you for sending the oranges to school. Your little ones enjoyed squeezing the orange juice.Most of them liked it very much.
During this week we will learn about:
The Color Purple and the words: grapes, plums, violet, onion, and hippopotamus.
My Body and the following vocabulary: Arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet and toes. Please visit this site to practice the vocabulary of the here 
This is also a good link to learn about body here  

Please read this important information- 
MAP FALL TESTING SESSION – This is the second week of our Map testing session. Parent cooperation in making sure our students are in school on time is greatly appreciated. 
DONATIONS NEEDED: “Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” is an organization aiming to help children from public schools that cannot afford notebooks. In order to help, the organization makes notebooks out of cereal boxes and pages from used notebooks. They are now collecting cereal boxes until November 20, and we encourage our students and teachers to bring cereal boxes from their homes. At the end of the contest, the grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Nursery News Sep.23-27

 Dear Families
During this week your little ones will learn about:
 The Body: they will learn the names of each part of their face and the following vocabulary: Eyes, nose, mouth, ears, head, face, and hair. Sing and enjoy this movement song with your child.
Color: orange and the words: pumpkin, carrot. basketball, goldfish and, fire Please click here to learn about the color orange
Please have your child bring an orange to school on Friday. The children will prepare orange juice. 

 FALL TESTING SESSION – Our Map testing session begins on Monday, September 23. Parent cooperation in making sure our students are in school on time is greatly appreciated. 

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER – There will be no school for students on Wednesday, September 25. Teachers will receive in-service sessions with Ms. Judi Fenton.

DONATIONS NEEDED: “Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” is an organization aiming to help children from public schools that cannot afford notebooks. In order to help, the organization makes notebooks out of cereal boxes and pages from used notebooks. They are now collecting cereal boxes until November 20th, and we encourage our students and teachers to bring cereal boxes from their homes. At the end of the contest, the grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!

BAKE SALE - The Community Service Club will be hosting a bake sale on Thursday, September 26 to raise funds for the annual Christmas party for the orphans from Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos.  Many delicious treats will be available at break and lunch time!  Thanks, in advance, for your support!

FLU SEASON: The flu season has arrived, and we feel it is important that parents be aware and on the lookout for flu symptoms. We want to give you some suggestions and guidelines for keeping your child and your family healthy.

1.    One of the first ways of controlling exposure to the flu is to avoid crowds and close contact with others.

2.    If your child is sick with flu symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing), please keep your child home until s/he is symptom free for 24 hours.

3.    We have placed antiseptic handwash and Lysol disinfecting spray in each classroom and office. It is advisable for students to also have their own antiseptic handwash and to use it frequently.

4.    Teachers are reminding their students to wash their hands frequently, cover coughs or sneezes, not share drinking bottles, food, straws, etc., and to use the antiseptic handwash.

Flu Symptoms:  Fever, body aches including headache, fatigue, runny nose, cough and congestion.

What to do if your child has these symptoms:  Contact your doctor; keep your child home until s/he has been symptom free (including having no fever) for at least 24 hours.

By following the above precautions, we are hopeful that we can contain and prevent widespread cases of the flu.

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Nursery News Sep 17-20

Dear parents,

Thanks for helping us organize the Honduran breakfast. The children enjoyed all the food.
During this week we will learn about:
Theme:Independence Day of Honduras, the children will learn these words: Flag, map, pine tree, mountain and Lempira.
Color blue and the vocabular: sky, blue jay. dolphin, blue whale and blueberries.The students will learn the nursery rhyme Little Boy here to sing this nursery rhyme
On Wednesday, please have your child bring something blue to present to the class.
On Friday, during recess,  Gabriel will celebrate his birthday. His parents will bring a small snack to share with the class. Happy Birthday Gabriel!!
click here to practice the colors.

Please read this important information:

MIDTERM REPORTS were issued last Thursday, September 12. We encourage parents to go over them and discuss them with your child(ren), sign them and send them back to school. If you would like a conference, and one was not requested, please call the school to set up an appointment.
DPTO – The Discovery Parent-Teacher Organization (DPTO) works to help the school fundraiser for projects and provide fun activities for our students, parents, and teachers! Anyone interested in joining and help to organize events is more than welcome to join us, as we meet every Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. in the school Cafeteria. We would like to remind all parents of the agreement made by the General Assembly in May 2013, to have all parents donate L. 200 per child to help finance the events and activities organized during the year. You can pay the fee in the Finance Office to Ms. Belgica Varela, or your homeroom teacher. You will receive a receipt from the school. Parents who still have not done so, please fill out our survey at
MAP FALL TESTING SESSION – Our Map testing session will begin on Monday, September 23. The specific times and dates for our grades will be published in our blogs. Parent cooperation in making sure our students are in school on time is greatly appreciated. 
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER – There will be no school for students on Wednesday, September 25. Teachers will receive in-service sessions with Ms. Judi Fenton.

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

Nursery News Sep 9-12

Dear parents, thanks for helping your child bring objects for show and tell. Their participation has been great.

During this week we will learn about:
Theme:Independence Day of Honduras, the children will learn these words: Flag, map, pine tree, mountain and Lempira.
Color green and the vocabulary Leaf, tree,frog,pear, peas, green beans.
On Wednesday, please have your child bring a picture of your nuclear family to present to the class. 
click here to practice the colors.

Please read this important information.
DPTO - Parents, please take a minute and fill out the short survey for the Discovery School Parent-Teacher Organization.  As you are part of the DPTO, the executive team wants your feedback and ideas on events and focus for the year.  Both parents are encouraged to fill out the survey. The link to fill out the survey is
FROM THE FINANCE OFFICE – Parents who are not using an automatic debit system with a credit card to pay tution are asked to stop by the Finance Office to obtain their payment cards as soon as posible.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPEMENT IN SEPTEMBER – On September 23, Ms. Judi Fenton is returning to Discovery to follow up on her visit and Professional Development sessions with teachers last year. A schedule will be provided once it is finalized with her. There will be no school on Wednesday, September 25, so teachers can participate in an all-day training.

domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

Nursery News Sep 2-6

Dear Parents:
This week we will be covering the following:

Theme: Me and my family

Vocabulary: Mother, father, sister, brother, baby.

Concepts and Skills: Color green. Students will be requested to color the whole surface of an area. 

Vocabulary of color green: tree, leaf, frog, green beans, grass.

Please send an item for show and tell on Wednesday, it has to be something green.
I hope you have been able to check the educational links to practice the concepts learned in school. This week I would like to show you the following ones five green and speckled frogs and practice for color green.
FROM THE COUNSELOR’S OFFICE – Ms. Marilis will meet with our Juniors and Seniors for the SCAD University Visit on Monday, September 2, at 11:00 a.m. Following this they will receive the Bentley University Visit- at 12:00 noon.
On Thursday, September 5 our Juniors and Seniors will attend the CIS College Tour at the American School from 12:00-2:00 p.m. Please check Mr. Marilis’ blog for more information on these events.