viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Nursery News September 8-12

Dear Parents:
It is very nice to have our students back in school. I hope that your children are feeling better now.

This week we will be covering the following:

Theme: Honduras.

Vocabulary: Flag, map, pine tree, deer, macaw, and mountain.

Concepts and Skills: Color green. Students will be requested to color the whole surface of an area. 

Vocabulary of color green: tree, leaf, frog, green beans, pear, and grass.

Please send an item for show and tell on Friday, it has to be something green.
I hope you have been able to check the educational websites provided to practice the concepts learned in school. 
During this week, please visit the following links. Click here  five green and speckled frogs and here  The color green 

Important information: 

MIDTERM AND PROGRESS REPORTS –Midterm Progress Reports will be sent home on Friday, September 12. Please read through them and return them signed by next Wednesday, September 17.

DESAYUNO CATRACHO – To Celebrate the Honduran Independence, there will be a Pot Luck Style “Desayuno Catracho” in each classroom on Friday, September 12, from 8:00 to 8:50 a.m. We ask our parents to help us organize this, and contribute with goodies. Honduran cultural and fun activities will follow the breakfast. We encourage our students to come dressed in a Honduran outfit that day. We also want to remind parents that this is an early dismissal day (11:45 a.m.) and that the following Monday, September 15 and Tuesday, September 16  are holidays!

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Dear Parents:
This week we will learn about:

Theme: School and the words, chair, table, bathroom, paint, and lunchbox.

Color Yellow and the words, sun, sunflower, banana, lion, lemon,duckling, and school bus.

On Friday the students will have ¨Yellow dress day¨ Please have your child  wear a yellow piece of clothing.
Also, on this day, please pack a yellow snack in their lunch box.Your child needs to learn the name of the snack that he /she will bring.   Thanks a lot for your involvement.

Please click here to practice color yellow 

The Wheels on the Bus 

Mr. Sun, Mr. Golden Sun 

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

Nursery News August 18 - 22

Dear Parents:

Dear Parents:
This week we will be covering the following:
Theme: My School and the words: glue, marker, scissors, crayons, and, pencil.
Concept: Color Blue and the words:  sky, whale, dolphin, blueberry, and, bluejay.

For Show and Tell on Friday, the students need to bring a blue item from home. They will present their object to their peers during circle time.

We invite you to take advantage of using the links below to review the lessons we are currently studying.
 Click here to Practice Color Blue 
Little Boy Blue 
 Click here to practice school vocabulary 

domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014

Nursery News August 11-15

Dear Parents:
We had a pleasant beginning of the school year. The students already learned to follow some routines in the classroom.
During this week the children will learn about:
Theme: Manners, and the words they will  learn are: please, thank you, excuse me, sorry, good morning, goodbye. The students will be encouraged to use polite words in school.
Concept: Color Red and the words: apple, cherry, firetruck, stop sign, strawberry, and ladybug.

In class we will read the books Splat the Cat by Rob Scotton, Listening Time by Elizabeth Verdick, and No David by David Shannon. You can find many of these books online.
On Friday the students will have ¨show and tell¨. Please have your child find a red object to bring to school, place it inside a bag labeled with your child´s name. Please make sure that your child learns the name of his/her show and tell object. Thanks a lot for your involvement.

Please go to this website to practice color recognition at home. Please click here to practice the color Red

lunes, 4 de agosto de 2014

Nursery News First Week of School

Welcome to Nursery at Discovery School! This will be an amazing year filled with wonderful learning adventures! We will update the blog every Monday. You will be able to read what is happening each week in our classroom. Please join our blog!

During this first week the nursery students will be busy working on our class routines, and procedures, getting to know one another and having fun.

The students will have the opportunity to explore with paints, colors, scissors, and playdough.