domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014

Nursery News August 11-15

Dear Parents:
We had a pleasant beginning of the school year. The students already learned to follow some routines in the classroom.
During this week the children will learn about:
Theme: Manners, and the words they will  learn are: please, thank you, excuse me, sorry, good morning, goodbye. The students will be encouraged to use polite words in school.
Concept: Color Red and the words: apple, cherry, firetruck, stop sign, strawberry, and ladybug.

In class we will read the books Splat the Cat by Rob Scotton, Listening Time by Elizabeth Verdick, and No David by David Shannon. You can find many of these books online.
On Friday the students will have ¨show and tell¨. Please have your child find a red object to bring to school, place it inside a bag labeled with your child´s name. Please make sure that your child learns the name of his/her show and tell object. Thanks a lot for your involvement.

Please go to this website to practice color recognition at home. Please click here to practice the color Red

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