viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Nursery News September 8-12

Dear Parents:
It is very nice to have our students back in school. I hope that your children are feeling better now.

This week we will be covering the following:

Theme: Honduras.

Vocabulary: Flag, map, pine tree, deer, macaw, and mountain.

Concepts and Skills: Color green. Students will be requested to color the whole surface of an area. 

Vocabulary of color green: tree, leaf, frog, green beans, pear, and grass.

Please send an item for show and tell on Friday, it has to be something green.
I hope you have been able to check the educational websites provided to practice the concepts learned in school. 
During this week, please visit the following links. Click here  five green and speckled frogs and here  The color green 

Important information: 

MIDTERM AND PROGRESS REPORTS –Midterm Progress Reports will be sent home on Friday, September 12. Please read through them and return them signed by next Wednesday, September 17.

DESAYUNO CATRACHO – To Celebrate the Honduran Independence, there will be a Pot Luck Style “Desayuno Catracho” in each classroom on Friday, September 12, from 8:00 to 8:50 a.m. We ask our parents to help us organize this, and contribute with goodies. Honduran cultural and fun activities will follow the breakfast. We encourage our students to come dressed in a Honduran outfit that day. We also want to remind parents that this is an early dismissal day (11:45 a.m.) and that the following Monday, September 15 and Tuesday, September 16  are holidays!

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