domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

Nursery News December 1-5


Dear Parents.
December 17 marks the end of the second quarter for this reason during this week we will evaluate your child's progress in school.
Please remember to review with your child the concepts and vocabulary learned. 
We encourage you to refer to last week's post when reviewing with your child at home, also take advantage of using the links that have been provided in the course of this quarter.Your involvement is very valuable to your child's success in school.

The content to be evaluated is the following:
Identify and name the colors: Purple, black, brown, white,and, gray.

Your child should be able to name the vocabulary for each color and for the following themes:
Body Parts: Eyes, nose, mouth, ears, head, arms, legs, hands,feet, and , fingers.
Five Senses: See, hear, taste, touch, and, smell.
Food: Bread, milk, cereal, pancakes, chicken, broccoli, corn, tomato, pineappple, and, watermelon.


XMAS BASKETS - Christmas is the season to open our hearts and share with those around us that need it most. It has been a tradition at Discovery School for students to come together and contribute in assembling baskets of goods for our support personnel.  We are asking for your cooperation in sending the following:

Nursery/PKinder and 6th grade students       1 5-lb bag of beans
Kinder and 7th grade students                       1 5 lb bag of rice
1st grade and 8th grade students                   1 5-lb bag of sugar
2nd grade and 9th grade students                 1 bottle or 2 bags of oil, 2 boxes of margarine, OR
                                                                                3 lbs of lard
3rd grade and 10th grade students                1 4lb-bag of MASECA
4th grade and 11th grade students                3 lbs of spaghetti (six packages) OR 1 bag of coffee
5th grade and 12th grade students                4 packages of tomato paste

Please feel free to send any additional goodies that you want to share with our devoted staff, such as canned goods, instant soups, cookies and crackers, or anything else that does not require refrigeration.  Please send these items no later than Monday, December 15th. Your cooperation will be deeply appreciated.

NPH GIVING TREE - Nuestro Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) is an international organization that takes in abandoned and orphaned children, providing a home, education, and love.  Here in Honduras, the NPH organization provides for over 500 children in at large ranch near La Venta and home in Tegucigalpa for severely handicapped children.   While many children at the ranch have aunts, uncles, or grandparents that come to visit them and can provide some Christmas gifts, some children at a ranch have no family to visit.  It is these children, whom we would like to provide for this Christmas.   On the second floor of the secondary building, a NPH Giving Tree will be set up.   If you wish to participate, choose a paper tree that has a child’s information about his/her sizefor shoes or socks.  Purchase the new item and return it to Mrs. Agurcia’s Room (Rm. 7) by Friday, December 5th, with the tree tag taped to it.  As well, there are tree tags for basic food items that will be donated to the orphanage.  Cash donations will also be accepted to provide shoes and socks for children whose tags were not selected.  Thank you for giving this Christmas!
If more information about NPH’s work in Honduras, please visit   and watch the video   .

DPTO FAMILY BINGO NIGHT – The DPTO will be hosting fun filled BINGO evening for Discovery families and friends on Friday, December 5. Incredible prizes (i.e. air tickets to Roatan and Miami, a stay in a beach resort in El Salvador, paintings, A LED TV, and much more!) are in store for those who attend! Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Tickets are only L100!

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