lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Preschool News Nov 29 December 3

Thank you to all parents and students for their contributions to our Thanksgiving feast!  Everything tasted great!  We have only a few weeks left in this semester and they will be busy ones.  
 The children have been practicing with Miss Pamela a song for the Songfest on December 16th  
We will be learning about holidays and the traditions that different families celebrate around the world.  We will also introduce the number seven ( 7). 
If your family has a special tradition during the holiday season that you would like to share with the class, please contact us and we can set up a visit to the class.  An easy cooking activity or art project related to the holiday season would be much appreciated for next week or the week after. 

Upcoming Events:
December 16th: Songfest begins at 6:00 pm
December 17th- January 5th- NO SCHOOL, Holiday break
January5th: Students return to school

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