domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

PreschoolNews November 8-12

Dear Parents:

We have had a wonderful time learning about our senses. The children participated in a ¨Sight Walk¨ We walked around school gathering information with our eyes then we made a class book called The Sight Book which they illustrated with images of all the surprising things they discovered.
In math they have been practicing their counting skills. This week we will focus on numbers 1 to 5.
The students were introduced to the first letters of the alphabet, (a to i) using the Zoo-phonics method, this week we will continue with the letters j to q
They worked on their narrative and sequencing skills by using sequencing cards for the story “Five Little Monkeys” 

Picture Day
Please remember that on Monday November 8, we will have our  individual and class pictures taken at 8:10 a.m.  Please be sure to send your child on time. If you have not sent the money yet, please do so.

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