domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Using our senses has been very interesting. Last week the children tasted different foods and they had to describe their flavor using words such as sweet, salty, sour etc.
Mrs. Vivian came to our class to teach us how to make homemade play dough. The children were very eager to play with the dough. This was also a very nice sensorial activity. We talked about soft and sticky.
This week we will focus in the sense of smell.
In math we will introduce the number 6.

For the Thanksgiving Holiday, we will be celebrating with a friendship feast on Wednesday, November 24th at 10:00 am.  We would like each family to bring a special dish to the feast on that day.  The dish can be anything that is special to your family or is a tradition in your culture. 
There is no school on Friday. Teachers will be attending the Discovery School Workshop.

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