domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

Preschool News Dec.13-16

Dear Parents:
The trip to Chiminike was very fun and educational. Thanks a lot to Ms. Lisset  and to Ms. Isabel  for accompanying  us.
This week we will introduce the numbers 9 and 10. We will continue to practice the Zoo-phonics letters.We will also have a Holidays Workshop.

  • Songfest is this week on Thursday December 16th at 6:00 p.m. Please be sure to have your child here by 5:30 pm.  He/She needs to wear black pants or skirt and a black top also a colorful bandanna for the head.
  • The DPTO will be selling food before the event, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. you can also purchase the Discovery School Choir CD for Lps. 200 or the Cook Book A Taste of Discovery for Lps.250
    We want to wish you all a very Happy Holidays and a restful break. We look forward to seeing you and the students in 2011!

    Important Dates:
    Dec 16 Songfest at 6:00 p.m./ End of the Second Quarter
    Dec 17- Jan 4 No school. Winter brake
    Jan 5 Students return to School

    lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

    Preschool News Nov 29 December 3

    Thank you to all parents and students for their contributions to our Thanksgiving feast!  Everything tasted great!  We have only a few weeks left in this semester and they will be busy ones.  
     The children have been practicing with Miss Pamela a song for the Songfest on December 16th  
    We will be learning about holidays and the traditions that different families celebrate around the world.  We will also introduce the number seven ( 7). 
    If your family has a special tradition during the holiday season that you would like to share with the class, please contact us and we can set up a visit to the class.  An easy cooking activity or art project related to the holiday season would be much appreciated for next week or the week after. 

    Upcoming Events:
    December 16th: Songfest begins at 6:00 pm
    December 17th- January 5th- NO SCHOOL, Holiday break
    January5th: Students return to school

    lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

    Preschool News November 22-24

    We have been having a wonderful time learning about our body and senses. Last week, the children made lemonade with and without sugar to compare both flavors.

    We also practiced the zoo-phonics and we focused on the letters c and d. In math, we did many exercises with the numbers 1 to 6. The students worked on their fine motor development and creativity by making beautiful art crafts. 

    Please keep in mind that next week is a short week, culminating in our Thanksgiving feast on Wednesday, November 24th! Parents and siblings are welcome to attend but please notify us who will be coming so we can have enough utensils, plates, etc. The special dish to share should serve between 12-15 people.

    Dates to remember

    Nov. 22 Progress reports go home.

    Nov.25-26 No School. Thanksgiving holiday.

    domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

    Using our senses has been very interesting. Last week the children tasted different foods and they had to describe their flavor using words such as sweet, salty, sour etc.
    Mrs. Vivian came to our class to teach us how to make homemade play dough. The children were very eager to play with the dough. This was also a very nice sensorial activity. We talked about soft and sticky.
    This week we will focus in the sense of smell.
    In math we will introduce the number 6.

    For the Thanksgiving Holiday, we will be celebrating with a friendship feast on Wednesday, November 24th at 10:00 am.  We would like each family to bring a special dish to the feast on that day.  The dish can be anything that is special to your family or is a tradition in your culture. 
    There is no school on Friday. Teachers will be attending the Discovery School Workshop.

    domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

    PreschoolNews November 8-12

    Dear Parents:

    We have had a wonderful time learning about our senses. The children participated in a ¨Sight Walk¨ We walked around school gathering information with our eyes then we made a class book called The Sight Book which they illustrated with images of all the surprising things they discovered.
    In math they have been practicing their counting skills. This week we will focus on numbers 1 to 5.
    The students were introduced to the first letters of the alphabet, (a to i) using the Zoo-phonics method, this week we will continue with the letters j to q
    They worked on their narrative and sequencing skills by using sequencing cards for the story “Five Little Monkeys” 

    Picture Day
    Please remember that on Monday November 8, we will have our  individual and class pictures taken at 8:10 a.m.  Please be sure to send your child on time. If you have not sent the money yet, please do so.

    domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

    Preschool News November 1-5

    Dear Parents:

    Thank you for coming to celebrate Book Character Day with us. The children had fun wearing their costumes.

    This week we will introduce the letters of the alphabet using a method called ¨Zoo- phonics¨ We will send a note home to explain in further detail about this.

    In Math we will introduce the numbers 4 and 5.

    In science we will begin studying the human body and the five senses. Vocabulary words for this unit are at the bottom of this note.

    As we prepare to start these new units, we would like to ask for your help in finding some more materials for our classroom. If you have any gently used clothing that could be used for the drama corner, please send it in! . Also, we could use measuring cups and other utensils for our sensory table.

    Vocabulary for Human Body

    • Foot

    • Arm

    • Leg

    • Eyes

    • Nose

    • Mouth

    • Knee

    • Elbow

    • Head

    • Neck

    • Hands

    • Fingers

    • Touch

    • Smell

    • Taste

    • Hear

    • See

    • Senses

    lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

    Preschool News October 26-28

    The students had a wonderful time celebrating U.N. Day. Thank you for participating in this activity.

    On Thursday, October 28th we will be having our Book Character Day. Please be sure to send your child with a costume for that day. We will all be changing into our costumes at 9:15 am for the party. We plan to have a special snack of cookies and juice that day as well. We will also do a small parade around the school so everyone can enjoy our costumes. We would love to have a few parent volunteers for that day so please let us know if you can help out- thanks!

    Please send us a bag of soft, chewy candies or chocolates, no later than Wednesday, Oct. 27th

    Since this is a short week we will be reviewing the numbers 1 to 4 and the weather vocabulary

    Upcoming Dates:

    October 28th- Book Character Day.

    October 29th- Parent-teacher Conferences. NO SCHOOL

    domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

    Preschool News October 18-22

     This Friday we will be celebrating U.N. Day This event will take place from 9:00 am to 11:30am. You are welcome to join us. This is a wonderful celebration.

    During this week we will be learning about:

    Graphing ( Which is your favorite kind of weather? )

    The United Nations Day.

    Identify groups of 3 and 4, and recognize the numerals 3 and 4

    We will read the story of  The Three Little Goats Gruff.


    Oct 22 U.N. Day celebration / Early dismissal

    Oct 25 No school
    Oct 28 Book Character Day
    Oct 29 Parent -Teacher Conferences.

    lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

    Preschool October 12-15

    Dear Parents.
    We have completed the first quarter. In math, most of the children have acquired the necessary skills to advance into numbers.
    This week we will introduce:
    The numbers 1 and 2.
    Position word Between
    The Weather.
    Please practice this vocabulary: rainy, sunny, cloudy, partly cloudy, windy, warm, hot, cold.

    Our Character Day celebration is going to take place on Thursday, October 28th. Start looking for a nice costume for your child, preferebaly a book character. We will contact you to help us organize this celebration.

    viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

    Preschool News October 4-8

     During this week we will be learning about:
    Graphing ( Are there more boys or girls in our class?)
    Nocturnal animals: bat, owl,and,cat.
    Position words beside and behind.
    We will read the story of Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
    and Goodnight Owl by Pat Hutchins
     Please send to school one empty toilet paper roll. We need it for the art center.
     The Nursery/Pre-k day runs from 8:00 to 11:45 am.We understand that the traffic has been terrible these past couple of weeks ,but please try your best to be on time for the arrival and dismissal. Thank you for being on time.


    Oct 11 No school, holiday Columbus Day
    Oct 14 general assembly Meeting
    Oct 22 U.N. Day celebration (half day)
    Oct 25 No school,holiday Honduran armed Forces Day.
    Oct29 Parent Teacher conferences. Report cards.

    domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

    Preschool News September 27-October 1

    The Teddy Bear´s picnic was a great blend of learning and having fun.

    The children had to sort, count, and compare the teddy bears, then we played hide and seek. Thank you very much for all the delicious snacks that you provided for this activity.

    I hope that you will enjoy these photos.

    This week we will learn the concepts more and less, we will practice the days of the week and the position words on and under.
    Emilia von Planta wants to thank all the children who came to her birthday party.

    domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010

    Preschool News Sept.20th-24th

    During this week we will be learning about:

    Same and different.

    The Sun, the moon, and the stars.

    Teddy bears.

    On Friday September 24 we will have a Teddy Bear’s Picnic. Your child may bring his/her teddy bear to school. Please send a snack to share with the class. We will provide the drinks. Make sure to label the teddy bear.

    miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

    Preschool News Sept.16-17

    Thank you for your help and involvement to make this Independence Day a successful event.
    Special Thanks to: Isabel Medina, Barbara Lanaspa, Nancy Wheeler, and Adriana Estrada for donating their time and effort to help us make the masks and float.
    Since this week is short, we are not going to introduce any new concepts. We will review all content from last week.

    domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

    Preschool News Week of Sept. 6-10

    This week we will be learning about:

    Shapes: Oval.

    Sorting objects by size. (Big, medium and small)

    We will introduce the concepts of Day and Night.

    We will sing the nursery rhymes ¨Hey Diddle Diddle¨ and ¨Twinkle Twinkle Little Star¨ Please practice these rhymes at home.

    Hey diddle, diddle,

    The cat and the fiddle,

    The cow jumped over the moon;

    The little dog laughed

    To see such sport,

    And the dish ran away with the spoon

    Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

    How I wonder what you are!

    Up above the world so high,

    Like a diamond in the sky,

    Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

    How I wonder what you are!

    Important dates:

    Sept 9 Please join us on Thursday Sept 9, at 10:45 to help us decorate the float that the preschoolers will be presenting during our Independence Day Celebration on Friday.

    Sept 10 Independence Day Celebration (Early dismissal).

    The celebration will take place on Friday, September 10, 2010 from 9:00 – 11:30 AM. As part of the educational activities, typical Honduran food will be served at the end of the program. As in the past, the school is requesting a contribution of Lps. 100.00 in cash per family. You can give the money to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday September 6.

    Sept 13 to 15 Holiday: Independence Day.

    domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

    Preschool Weekly Letter Week of August 27- September3

    This week we will be learning about:

    Colors: green and orange. The children in Pre Kinder will learn to identify the color words red and blue.

    Shapes: Rectangle.

    Sorting objects by shape and color.

    Days of the week.

    During the month of September we will be talking about Honduras.

    Thank you for coming to the Open House. It was very nice getting to know you.

    Please get in touch with me if you have any question or concern about your child.

    Important dates:

    Sept 10 Independence Day Celebration (Early dismissal).

    This celebration will take place on Friday, September 10, 2010 from 9:00 – 11:30 AM. As part of the educational activities, typical Honduran food will be served at the end of the program. As in the past, the school is requesting a contribution of Lps. 100.00 in cash per family. You can give the money to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday September 6.

    Sept 13 to 15 Holiday: Independence Day.

    lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

    Preschool News August 23 - 27

    We’re learning about:

    • Shapes; triangle, circle and square.

    • One to one correspondence.

    • More and less.

    • Name recognition.

    • Colors; yellow, red and blue.

    • Class rules and routines.


    The Open House will take place this Friday, August 27th, from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. I hope to see you there!

    We need your help.

    Please send to school three (3), postal size photographs of your child, whole body (you can print them at home using regular paper.)

    We will be collecting them during this week.

    Thanks for your support,

    Ms. Gigi. Ms. Vivian. Miss Sofia.

    lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

    Preschool News

    Preschool News
    Week of August  16-20 2010                 
    Dear parents. During this week we will learn about:
    ·         One-to-one correspondence.
    ·         Colors yellow and blue.
    ·         Circle and Square.
    ·         We hope to see you on Thursday, Aug. 19th at 6:00p.m. at the Open House.
    ·         Please remember to send the plastic folder back to school every time you get it.
    ·         Thanks to all the parents who already paid for the materials fee.

    Mrs Vivian, Mrs Gigi and Miss Sofia

    miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

    Preschool Welcome Letter

    Dear Parents:

    We would like to welcome you to the 2010-2011 school year! We are very excited about all the things that we will be learning and creating this year in the nursery/pre-k classroom.


    The Nursery/Pre-K day runs from 8:00-12:00 am everyday. We recognize that the traffic in Tegucigalpa can be hectic, but please try your best to be on time for the arrival and dismissal. Thank you for being on time!


    We encourage parents to send healthy snacks with their students to minimize the amount of candy, chocolate, chips, etc. that are sent to school. Please do not send your child with any type of soda, it is messy if spilled and caffeine can cause the students to be hyper.


    The students have a 30 minute recess time each day and are allowed to access the playground to the left and right of the second grade classroom. We review the playground rules often but accidents do happen occasionally because the students are young and active.


    The students participate in Physical Education classes three times a week with Ms. Carol. These classes are typically outside on the field by the cafeteria or in the enclosed gymnasium. Please be sure to send your child with sun block and good shoes (e.g. tennis shoes) for the days when we have P.E. class.


    The students participate in music class twice a week with Ms. Pamela. The Pre-K curriculum and the music class curriculum and very closely related so the students often learn songs and musical activities that relate to what we are learning in class.


    This year the students will receive Spanish classes twice a week. Mrs. Liana Suazo is going to be their teacher, please see the schedule.


    Please remember that children learn through experimenting, discovering and trying out new materials. This may include such things as playing with paints, glue, sand, water, etc. Children are active and will be climbing, jumping, rolling and doing other physical activities. Appropriated clothing will be necessary, therefore, please have the student wear casual clothes only.

    No Toys:

    We ask the students not to bring toys from home. We have found this to be the best policy to keep toys intact.

    Communication between School and Home:

    We would like for each student to have a backpack and a folder with pockets. This folder will be provided here at school and it should come to school and go home every day. The folder will contain any information or homework that you need to know about. This is a good place to send any correspondence to us.

    If you would like to come and talk with us, please contact the office in advance to set up an appointment, or send a note. We will be happy to discuss any concerns that you may have.

    The school is trying very hard to decrease the use of paper. For this reason the weekly and monthly letters will be sent via email and also they will be posted on my blog. To access this blog go to

    Please check your email every week to receive important information about different school news and events.

    Parent’s Role:

    Your support and involvement is essential to the success of your child. We appreciate parental involvement. The children will love for you to come and share your special talents, abilities and time.

    Reporting System:

    Our reported card is divided into areas of development and they are broken down into specific skills or benchmarks.

    Your child’s progress will be reported with what they learn each quarter according to the following key:

    AC= Accomplished meaning that the student has successfully completed the standards required for quarter.

    IP= In Progress meaning that the student is still working on meeting the standards required for the quarter.

    NE= Not Evident meaning that the student has not reached the standards required for the quarter.

    X= Not Introduced Yet meaning that the concept has not been introduced yet.

    Assessment for each quarter will be done using different methods in order to provide and encourage the student’s success.

    If you need to contact me:

    Ms. Gigi’s mobile is 99706560 E-mail:

    Please do not hesitate to call me if you need to talk to me.


    • One box of baby wipes.

    • L. 1,500 for school supplies. ($75)

    We are working forward to an exciting year full of learning, growth and fun.

    Please send me tomorrow your home phone number, cell phone number and e-mail.

    Thank you for choosing Discovery School and WELCOME!


    Ms. Gigi Mejia

    Ms. Sofía Cáceres (N/P-K Assistant)

    lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

    Welcome to Pre K

    Dear parents. It is very exciting to start a new year!! I am looking forward to get to know you and your child.
    I hope that we will keep in touch throughout the school year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question or concern regarding your child.